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Monday, August 06, 2012 | 0 Superman(s)
YES, I've actually officially started working already! ^^

I actually wasn't planning to start so early thou. Afterall my results aren't out yet! The initial plan was actually to get a 3mths contract or something. But since this job came along, I just decided to take it first haha. Not a bad company (: results are gonna be out next friday I think. I'm praying so so hard with all my might! :S Dear Lord, I'm leaving myself in Your mighty hands!

SO, nothing much actually. Batam next weekend. Woohoo! Then its the company get-together, and the dinner with our clients. Busy busy busy! Actually not. HAHA. Work's more than manageable these days. I mean, afterall I'm new. I just didn't expect to be THAT free lol. Nevermind. I shall enjoy and cherish this time, which would probably not last very long haha.

My aunt actually said I got fatter already! ): I know I've always wanted to gain weight. BUT THAT WAS LIKE ONLY A WEEK AFTER I STARTED WORK THAT SHE SAID THAT! ): Because of the culture of the company, being the youngest, I cannot refuse anything that they ask of me, and that includes eating lol. They keep pushing food to me and I get so ultra mad bloated after thaaaat! Plus on normal days they eat sooooo fast, I can't even talk, since I eat so slow. Hahahaha. I just have to bury my head into my food and keep eating so that they don't end up waiting for me! Stressssssed. Lol. But overall I really do like the company people. I doubt there's zero politics going on, but still it doesn't look that bad so far. At least its not as bad as I imagined the working environment to be haha. The fact that its a small company prolly adds on thou, not that I'm complaining (:

Sent Tim off last thursday. Yet another one gone! I really regret to a certain extent not insisting on going overseas to study. I know the financial burden's gonna be huge. But thinking of my future prospects, it would have been a great investment. AHWELL. Hahaha. Lets just see how it goes then (: God will pave our way.

I've been a good girl too! I've actually started going to church too hehe. Its a big big BIG achievement for me okay! Sundays are like so precious to me nowwwww. I still get lazy and take a break some Sundays though hahaha. =x I know I know. I'll need to change and be a good girl! Gambatte!

Okayyyyy its a Monday, tmr's a Tuesday, its 1130, and I have work. Hahaha. Sayonara! ((:

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