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Friday, June 01, 2012 | 0 Superman(s)
IKR! I've been missing for so long already lol. It's gonna be a miracle if any of you still reads this page. Nevermind. I'll still be blogging for the sake of blogging. Need to save my memories you know haha. (:

SO, now, I am officially done with exams! It ended last Monday. Seriously. You don't even know how glad I am to be over and done with it.

Lets see. Oh I had my first shoot on Thursday! Eggcitingzxc. Hahaha. The following is a replica of what I saved in my phone diary after the shoot that day lol. :D

The shoot was okay. I just didn't expect things to be so tiring! Changed a total of 4 to 5 outfits. Totally regretted bringing my own clothes seriously. IT WAS SO HEAVY AND TROUBLESOME! I would have felt better if I actually got to use them, but no. Not a single one was suitable, they said. Pfft. I'm not gonna bring any even if they ask me to next time lol. I learnt my lesson.

My personal favourite was the wedding dress. Prolly looked nicer too! Haha. ^^ Mummy took a photo when I was having my makeup done. Here it is.

PRETTY RIGHT! HAHAHAHAHA. *shy* idk why but the photo turned out better than how I actually looked. I have never in my whole entire lifetime worn such heavy makeup! Esp the blush. When the person dabbed the blusher on me I got such a shock she told me to relax hahahaha. So red! With the whole makeup, me and my mum both thought I looked tranny-ish. Lol! So I wasn't exactly putting much hope in the photos turning out good. This photo however made me harbour some hahah. Ohwell. Photos out only in a few weeks. We shall see then.

I was so uncomfortable after the shoot cos of the makeup. Didn't even feel like shopping even thou we were in town! Just wanted to get home and wash off all the makeup and tangles. Did I even mention what she did to my hair? She effing teased it! Ohmytian. I would never EVER in my whole entire lifetime do that to my precious hair! It was a bitch trying to tame that mess when I got home. I think I spent about an hour plus in the bath that day. Most of it trying to get the stubborn eye-makeup off and tame my hair. I almost wanted to die really. Lol. But still, it was fun! Haha. ((:

Recently been into Skin79 products. I effing LOVE Skin79 hahaha. Makes my skin smooth like anything. ^^ Daddy even asked me just now when I came out of the bath why my face so white.


I should really stop buying all those stuffs already though. My morning and night routine is getting longerrrrr. Too long for my liking! Because I bought that cleanser, now I have to wash my face in the morning. IN THE MORNING! I know its a compulsory thing to some, but I just don't like to feel so awake in the morning! Mornings are supposed to be groggy and lunch is where you start getting energised you know haha. Ohwell.

Kay thats about all for now. Been super tired these days going out and catching up with the people I couldn't meet cos of exams! Gonna catch up on my (story)books and shows now. Till then!

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