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Till The World Ends
Monday, October 10, 2011 | 0 Superman(s)

Till The World Ends
Britney Spears

ADDICTIVE RIGHT! I spent the whole hour just searching for this song! Heard it when we were at Powerhouse for junhao's birthday the other time. Its been stuck in my mind since then hahaha. Worst thing was I only remembered the Ohohohohohohoh part. AND I even remembered wrongly and thought it was nanananana instead. ._. talk about bimbotic. Nevermind. I still got my song in the end; thats all that matters! :DD But somehow everytime I hear this song I get the faint reminder of being deaf due to the club music. Fun though! I feel high with this song this song makes me feel high! Hehhh. (:

Kay long day at school tomorrow. Byebye!


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