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A great legend lost; a great legacy left
Thursday, October 06, 2011 | 0 Superman(s)

Steve Jobs
24 Feb 1955 - 5 Oct 2011

Yes, a great man has left. He was a legend, who changed the face of technology; breathing life into dreams, showing us its endless possibilities. He made us realise that dreams do come true. I never really thought I'd feel that deeply for a businessman, but you'd have to agree he made one helluva impact on us; on the whole world.

Apple and Steve seems to be the hot topic for today. How ironic it is that he passed away at the exact same date the iPhone4s was revealed. Talk has been going on on how 4s meant 'For Steve'. I found it to be such an interesting coincidence. Quite pissed off on how some people have no empathy at all. But nevermind, I'll just silently curse you in my heart HAHA. Nah I'm just kidding. Though you usually piss me off so much already, I'm going to be the one with a bigger heart and forgive you, brat. (Sorry couldn't resist the last part. Just couldn't fully contain my..dislike for you lol)

All in all, I just wanted to say this. Thank you Steve, for making Apple more than just a fruit.

SO, that marks the end of my tribute to him. Great loss really. We were all saying how iphone5 would be the best of Apple, because that's the last one he ever took part in. Hahah. It's a good time to start dumping Apple shares already. Pixar would probably continue surviving, albeit the drop in stock prices. It'd probably bounce back up soon enough. Oh well. Just sayin', I'd hate to be an Apple employee now lol.

Have nothing much to blog about actually. Don't blame me! I have been blogging frequently! Hahaha. In fact I type a post every other day you know. It's just that you might/might not have seen it only lol. Reason? It's all quite..unimportant. More towards rants and reflections and stuffs like that, which are meant to be said and forgotten lol. Thats why all those posts are posted and taken down within a few hours I guess haha. The longest one was the one I posted on monday. It stayed published for a whopping 10hrs! LOL. But you probably wouldn't have seen it cos I posted at 12 and took it down the instant I went online the next morning HAHA. So yeahhhhhhh. And hor, to my beloved friends whose blog I read (you probably know who you are), BLOG MORE FREQUENTLY CAN! I have nothing to do when I'm on the comp except for reading your posts! (thats with the exception of the weekends. i have shows to watch online then. WGM, RM, 2D1N, Ao No Exorcist & Fairy Tail ^^) So yes, for the sake of my sanity (go crazy being too bored), update more often okay! :D

Oh I suddenly remembered. The other day when I was out, I saw a Daniel Yam shop having a clearance sale! Don't know if its at Orchard or 313 or something. Cant rmb. Like cool onlyyyyy! :D I am just ab.so.lute.ly in love with him the dresses! Hahah. Must remember to get it soon. Hmmmmm. You are so going to put a big hole in my pocket Daniel.

Life recently has been mundane. School started and all. Not much of a biggie. 3 consecutive days of 830 lessons can be such a chore. Getting very sick and tired already sigh. I missed my first lecture of the year yesterday, just 2 weeks into school. NOOOOO~ )):

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