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Thursday, November 03, 2011 | 0 Superman(s)


Sorry for the long wait, but I'm back! Nothing much to blog about recently. The biggest event being Halloween last saturday and xm's birthday party on the following sunday!

So, for Halloween. It's actually a first for me to be celebrating Halloween! Initially planned to ask the clique to go for the event at Night Safari, but it was effing cancelled! Like sad only. Lol. Lucky Edric suggested going sentosa, and thats where our adventure started (:

We met up first at vivo around 6 to have dinner! For some reason, we ended up at Food Republic. I am so never ever patronising any Food Republic outlets! So effing expensive yet not nice! Prawn mee for 6 bucks, nevermind. But it came out dry and tasteless! I FEEL SO CHEATED OF MY MOOLAH! ): makes me miss the prawn mee behind iras all the more. SIGH.

Waited for everyone to reach and all. By the time we went in it was 8pm already! Pictures shall do the talking from here on....

PS: Roll your mouse over the photo and let it stay there to see the pictures in their original quality. It actually makes a whole lot of difference! I insist!

Eric with my accessory of the day.
It was a bat, and the wings(plastic. got shiny surface)
reflected the flash and came out a pretty purple!
(which was its original colour btw)

While waiting for the train, we camwhored! Hehh :D

Couple #1
Ann & Nicholas

Couple #2
RC & Eunice

Group photo!

Group Photo #2
(Someone volunteered their services)

Failed Shot #1

Failed Shot #2

The Girls

Me & Jo

We were the only 2 who dressed up!

After awhile we finally reached! Alighted and researched while trails to go, and off we were! First sight that greeted me was this effing crazy she-male who had tribal drawings all over his-her face and was dressed up like a shaman. HE-SHE EFFING RAN AT ME SUDDENLY AND SCREAMED IN MY EFFING FACE. OUH-MA-GAWD. How to not scared you tell me! And the worst thing was that this happened right in the beginning, and for the whole night I got branded as "the most scared one"

I really felt like some crazy assed monster magnet for the night! Hahah seriously. Out of so many people in our group that went, which is 12 btw, the monsters always seemed to approach me first! The monster below, however, approached me due to something else entirely. Hahaha. Here's how things went:

We were queueing up for our first trail, and because the line entwines like a snake formation, we were actually in the centre, safe from any monster distraction! I already noticed this monster when he was scaring the people on the outside. PLUS we were on the topic of alex's love life! HAHA. Didnt really give a hoot about him. So there we were, happily talking, and then edric, who was behind me, called me. Naturally, I turned around. This was the sight that greeted me.


See this effing face in real life and tell me you
won't be spooked!

SERIOUSLY. I GOT THE EFFING SHOCK OF MY LIFE HAHAHAHA. Whattheshit seriously. Just take a look at his eyes. I really hope I effing blinded him hahaha. The worst thing is, you know the reason why he's there? Edric called him in. WHATTHESHIT LOL. He(monster) was actually about to walk off to other parts and scare people already! Then edric waved him in and even made space for him to stand RIGHT behind me so he was literally breathing down my neck. ZZZZZZZZZZ. I wont ever forget this effing face hahaha.

Whatcha lookin' at?!

Stare what stare!

This was actually one of the monsters walking around
scaring people. Walk too fast, couldn't capture a decent one!
(He's apparently carrying his own leg btw lol)

One of the guards at the entrance of the trail

Looking at his face reminds me of the super funny scene. Hahhahah. There are random people walking around whose job is to scare people (like previous monster), and there are people who guards the trails trying to maintain order. The guy in blue with the mask, is an example of the guards for the trails(sorta like stationmaster, I guess). Now here's the thing. Because they only allow a max of six in a group to go, they have to make the necessary splits in groups. He(guard/monster - the one in above picture) bent down very closely to talk to a girl, and she screamed. HAHAHAHAHHA. He just wanted to ask "how many people do you have", but the girl was so spooked out she refused to listen to a word he said! Plus with the mask, his voice cant really be heard, which is why he bent so closely to talk to the girl. Freaking funny. Hahahha. In the end he gave up and just lifted the bottom half of his mask to ask the question loudly. Lol! Hilarious, really.

Full Group Photo #1

Full Group Photo #2


Edric, Alex & RC

The Guys.

Yep. That's about it for all. Edric & Jhao headed to powerhouse for halloween round 2, while the rest of us ate supper at the coffeeshop beside! Reached home at like 2plus. MAD TIRED!

The next day was xm's birthday. Got there fairly late. Lost my way too! According to gothere.sg , im supposed to alight and then walk to aloha changi. Problem is, I alighted at some ulu place, without the chalet in sight! =/ walked a little bit more and reached changi village. But still, no sight of aloha changi! So I went to ask these 2 random uncles lol. They gave me the directions, and I embarked on the long tedious process of walking there. Halfway though, when I reached like changi v hotel there, someone honked their car at me! At first I didn't really care, until I realised it was the 2 previous uncles that gave me directions! They said they can drop me off outside, since its actually quite far for me to walk alone. LIKE NICE ONLY AH! hahaha. So yes I hopped on, which I got scolded for by so many people afterwards ):

It was only a short distance ma! I didnt really think anything would happen, which didnt. Hahaha. And they were really nice people! They even told me to have fun before I alighted lol. And they say drop me outside, but they went all the way in and helped me search for the chalet lo. WHAT A NICE WORLD (: you just need to learn to trust! Hahahah.

Happy birthday xm! :D
(btw, just looking at the photo,
I think I put on weight! :DDDD)

Kay that's all. It's already 1am! Gotta go sleep soon. New policy of sleeping before 2am. Hahaha. Night night! ((:


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