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82/11 Commissioning Parade
Sunday, October 16, 2011 | 0 Superman(s)

YES. I went for guozhi's commissioning parade yesterday! (Saturday) Quite a fun event. So happy for him! Hahaha. Even sitting at the spectator seats I could feel the exhilaration in the air.

Met Ann & Eric at Boon Lay MRT. I must admit, I have never EVER sat on an MRT for that long! I took like an hour to get there. :| Reached early. Took a walk around Jurong Point. First time there in my whole entire life! Walked and shopped for awhile while waiting for them. We were planning to bus there initially, but its seriously too freaking troublesome. Hahahaha. Took a cab instead.

Reached SAFTI Military Institute. WOAH. That place is freaking huge! We alighted at the entrance, so we had to walk in abit, then take the internal shuttle bus to where the parade would be held. First thought that flitted through my mind was how much it looked like the downtown chalets. HAHA. Yea yea I know, bad place to compare it to. But with all the numbered buildings and how big the place spanned, you can hardly blame me right! (:

So after a comfortable ride around, we got to the place itself! Now here came my shock for the day. Gz was supposed to pass ann&eric the tickets the night before (they met up for supper while I went for charmaine's birthday-that would be a seperate blog entry). What I didn't know was that he only gave them 2 tickets! Not enough I suppose, cos his relatives and everything also went. Then I was left without tickets, and the people infront were checking. ZOMG. I could literally hear the thunder clouds just zooming across my head! Plus there were one line of people by the side who were refused entry because they didn't have the tickets.

Panic only. Hahaha. Ann told me to just bat my eyelids and tell them I forgot to bring mine, which was exactly what I did. HAHAHAHA. No lah I'm kidding. But I'm not denying that I might have just opened my eyes a little wider than usual LOL. I mean, I'm still a girl afterall, albeit not a very pretty one. Lucky he let us through in the end hahahaha.

The Parade Square
(yes yes. I stole this picture from gz. we just
didnt get to take one on the actual day!)

The parade was quite normal. We were all busy analyzing the various badges on the random people walking past! Cos there were actually people stationed almost about everywhere, and it was so fascinating to see them salute! Sorry la, its not everyday you I see people saluting each other right. Hahahaha. (I know those in army do see salutes everyday, thats why I cancelled the you okay!)

Look who's that!

What a small world
(We were sitting just next to tinghui's parents and brother,
when tinghui was just nice standing right beside gz during
the parade! Such a coincidence)

And seriously we didnt even know! Hahahah. Eric suddenly nudged me and said that guy looks like tinghui, and we were like, "WHERE GOT?!?!"


In our face man. Seriously. Hahahahahah. Kay la. Give him credit. He has good eyesight. We only started to see the similarites more AFTER knowing and confirming that they were related lol!

Contingent Parade

Marching back inside to keep their guns

Smiling so happily lol

I still remember this scene. Freaking funny. Cos after they came back from putting their guns, parents were supposed to go down and help change their shoulder pads or whatever you call it (you'll see it in the next photo). So we happily ran down to meet him! And he was..... just smiling. LOL. Turns out they weren't supposed to move-technically.

GZ: im not supposed to move actually
TH: aiya you move they also wont know. so chaotic now
GZ: -scans surrounding for awhile- AIYA FUCK IT LA
-moves to give us a hug-

HHAHAHA. i think the situation's quite funny. must be the combination of the mood and facial expressions there hahaha.

The proud parents
(neh neh neh! thats the shoulder pad thing)

There's a rare sight here.
Its making the headlines yo (:

Another one w tinghui

After that we had to go back to our seats cos the ceremony wasnt over yet! Before we went back gz gave us angpow! (I tried to find that photo, cos I saw it posted on fb! but I think they deleted it already >: ) At first we were like, WHAT? So random! Hahaha.

We only realised this after we went home and gz uploaded the photos! TSK. Think of the people we met and missed....... HAHA. But it would have been fun to salute too! Like fun only hahaha.

What we've all been waiting for! :D

SO HAPPY FOR THEM! They look just absolutely thrilled! Hehhhh. I could just feel the excitement buzzing in the air. After this it marked the end of the parade, and it was a scramble to not lose sight of your friend/family! Sadly, we missed guozhi, so we went in search of others.

(Yile went missing when we found him!)


We saw junhong there toooooo! Too bad we didnt get to take a photo. Hahaha. Oh well. I'm pretty sure there were many others we didnt catch too, as proven by the posts I see on fb lol. Kay I spent an hour on this already! Goodbyeeee!


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