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Tuesday, September 27, 2011 | 0 Superman(s)

So, today's a new day back at school!

Didn't start my day well! All thanks to my best beloved poddy, I slept only at 4plus the night before ): had less than 3hrs of sleep before i dragged my butt out to catch the bus. What i usually do is to check the bus timings before i go down, so i dont wait too long. (jsyk, 74 has a very long interval okay!) When i checked, I realised the next bus was 5 and 7 mins respectively. Time to get my butt outta house!

For the following, let me show you a picture to better illustrate.

H is obviously Home, and the rest is self explanatory. Oh and that orange thing's a bus, if i didnt make it obvious enough. Forgot to write it down. (Dont criticise my drawing okay! I specially went to dl the paint app and spent half and hour drawing this piece of.... hahahha)

When I get out, im supposed to turn left to the busstop. But i turned and walked behind, towards the park! Think its because I went there too frequently (twice) recently. Or whatever idk lol. So after walking halfway, I realised my mistake! So i turned back and walked back..... in the direction of the mrt. :c yet again, i realised my mistake halfway but it was too dumb to turn back and walk from home! so instead i walked to mrt then turned in the direction of the busstop, during which, I saw my 74 zoom past me while i was still far away from the busstop. Nothing wrong right. Until I realised the next bus's 2mins awayyyyyyy! Speak of the devil. I turned my head, and saw the next 74 stuck at the mrt traffic light.


Seriously! Lucky the traffic lights were in my favor, keep showing red lights. Managed to catch the bus in the end. Couldnt really sleep on the bus. Jerky like hell. Arrived at school w 10mins to spare. Our class this morning was on 5th floor! First time there. As usual, I headed up the escalator at lvl1...... and lvl2...... and lvl3...... and lvl4...... and...... thats it. The friggin escalator doesnt go up to lvl5! !@# early in the morning make me do so much exercises. Climbed the stupid stairs and went in search of my class.

Came across a door that said Rooftop Garden. Cannot be right. So I turned the other way. Search the whole level and I still dont find my classes! Just then, I saw a bunch of people come out of the lift making a beeline for the door leading to the Rooftop Garden. Turns out my class was at the other side of the rooftop garden. WTSHIT. Hahahaha. I mean, its really cool that we have a rooftop garden and all, but you just couldnt state there were rooms beyond that isit. Make me find like crazy. Oh and just a heads up to anyone who has lvl5 lessons, they have a personal socket for each and every one of you under the table! Mad cool! I likeeeee c:

While downloading paint, I found this ultra useful mac protector! Its called MacKeeper.(jsyk, i hyperlinked the word, you can click to find out more) I downloaded the free version and tried it out. Results?

HAHA. I know these free version things tend to scan everything and come out with a thousand critical issues to scare you into buying their products, but I have been thinking of getting a anti-virus for very long now! My mac's considerably slower as compared to when i first had it. Itching to do some cleanups, and MacKeeper can do that! HOW AH. I read some reviews and it sounds like a reaaaaally good deal! Dilemma. :c

kay that's about all for today. wanted to blog more, but that stupid diagram took up so much of my time! long day tomorrow! 3hrs break. sigh. kay byebye!


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