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I Models Holdings
Saturday, November 12, 2011 | 0 Superman(s)
Yes. I'm here to blog about modeling today!

I was just out today when I was approached by this man, who claimed to be from iModelsHoldings. At first I thought it was some joke lol. I mean, I can accept it and feel flattered in usual circumstances. Thing is, my face is currently in the worst(recently) condition it can be; with it peeling like a banana and all, and you chose to approach me? Wow. Great eyesight huh. You were able to spot my beauty beneath all the peeling skin! Good job. Hahaha.

So yes, back to the point. I think its due to the many scams going around and everything, I can see he was trying quite hard from the beginning to prove he wasn't a scam. But seriously, no matter how much proof they give you, the doubt remains. You think being a model's so easy? Just approach a random girl, praise their beauty, take their particulars, and BAM! They're a full fledged ready-for-work model. Nuh-uh. Makes me think. Has this become a common practice for modeling agencies in Singapore to recruit new blood? I understand that because beauty is an important factor in this line of profession, its the fastest and easiest way, but its also the riskiest way; at least for us, that is. #justsaying (not like I have any brilliant recruitment ideas too anyway. I would've sold them for moolah)

Come to think of it, that guy was in the right place at the right time. Lucky ass. Lol. Usually I ignore and walk away, but since I was waiting for my mum who was late, I entertained him a little. (yet again, lucky ass. with my mum there he has a 0.01% chance! -sniggers-) He gave me his namecard and all, which has his particulars. Funny how the extension no.'s 1111 (SOUNDS SO FAKE RIGHT!)

Apparently, after doing some extensive research on my own at home (#nothingbettertodo), I found out some stuffs:

1) iModelsHoldings is apparently a real and existing company
2) They do have models under them working for the company
3) You would be required to pay some hundreds to thousands to get a portfolio made
4) Portfolio would then be shown to their clients and see which golden fingers pick you!
5) If there are no golden fingers, continue waiting
6) And keep waiting
7) For the rest of your life

Hahaha yeah thats about it. About the portfolio stuff, apparently its a must norm for any aspiring models. Think I was watching some taiwan shows and the models were speaking about it. Personally, I dont really think its worth the money. Of course, if you have big dreams and a craving for attention, by all means, go ahead. You can treat the money spent as an investment of sorts, I guess.

What an irony. This morning, my intentions for this post was to be about Steven Lim. What a hilariously retarded person hahahaha. (He is forever emphasizing that he owns a modeling agency that houses 2100 models or whatever shitzx, if any of you care enough to know whats the link lol)

He has recently made such a big fool of himself! If he wasn't already one. Apparently he googles himself and enjoys attention, both good and bad, so I'll keep the long story short.

Kaykay(blogger) saw him outside and tweeted about how suay she was and everything. He tried and failed to insult her, continuously emphasizing the fact that he's a celebrity and whatnot. And that she shouldn't publicly(tweet) insult him. -proceeded with a lengthy tweets which emphasized on his status as a boss and how 'popular' he was. Funniest statement?
And I quote:"I m a famous star, who u? u move aside la. You look rather haggard and old now..pls take care. i tot which lao chio aunty comes down drink kopi sia.. serious! i bear no grudges with u.. never offended u.. u like this say me.. shows how good ur heart is...seriously. now u lao chio le."

See how he contradicts himself repeatedly? First he say people haggard and old, then he goes on to say she 'lao chio'. At least still got looks right. #epicfail seriously. Lol. Such a bitch trying to type out his tweet also. Had to constantly backspace to accomodate his way of typing... the ur(your).. and u(you).. and most irritating of all.................... .............. yes. If you haven't figured it out, its the dots. hahahaha. Cannot take it.

He made a police report on some phonecall harrassment. This needs no explanation. It speaks for itself hahahhaa.

"Good evening to bother you" ---> WHATHESHIT IS THIS?! LOL

On the other hand though, check out this video below(if you want) after you watch his self made phonecall video lol.

its 2.12am. Gotta run! Nights. x

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