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New Beginnings
Sunday, September 25, 2011 | 0 Superman(s)

Surprisingly, the previous post actually DID appear! Cant really be bothered to go tweak the settings to let it show the supposed 5 latest ones anymore. I'd rather spend the energy typing more and try make this place livelier lol.

SO. Thursday was the official start of my last year of school. Its a happy sad feeling actually. And with that im referring to it being my last year of studies. I think im seriously growing up wayyyyyyy too fast for my liking! )): added responsibilities and added stress. Honestly, I dont see anything good about growing up! Maybe except for the fact that you grow old, get fat, lose hair, stop having fun, get stressed out, gain a few rascals you call kids, spend more money, give more angpows, start paying bills....... and the list goes on. TELL ME. WHATS SO WORTH CELEBRATING?! sigh.

(Oh and anyway, on a totally random note, I've my parents booked the chalet for my birthday already. DO NOT even think of going on a holiday for december(at least for the first 2 weeks). If not, I would personally slaughter you. Look out for my invitation! <: )

Hmm lets see what else is nice to talk about. Didn't do much this weekend. OH OH OH OH OH! I cycled today.


HAHA. Ultra mighty pleased with myself can! ((((((((((((: First time I headed to Bishan Park after the renovations were done. Such a pretty place! They even had spots for people to fly a kite. It would be fun, but Marina Barrage seems to be a more appropriate place! I mean, you can have picnic there too right. I mean, imagine when somebody asks you a question.

A: What did you do?
B: I went on a picnic!
A: Oh really! That's nice, where?
B: Bishan Park


A: What did you do?
B: I went on a picnic!
A: Oh really! That's nice, where?
B: Marina Barrage

Okay so maybe it doesnt seem much the way I phrase it, but the tendency for the conversation to continue is lesser for the first one you see. You say Bishan Park, people will just say 'Oh' and stop. When you mention Marina, they'd most probably continue with their personal experiences or whatever. Okayokay. This is turning into a pointless argument lol.

Back to the topic on hand, yes I exercised! Amazingly though, I dont feel very tired. Granted, my legs were wobbly like shit when I first got home, but that's normal for anyone who rode a bicycle continuously for an hour right! My butt hurts though. The seat's hard like anything ): I have a freaking bruise on my inner thigh! Not like I can go around rubbing it whenever I like right. Hahahaha. The scene would look totally wierd and awkward to anybody else.

KAYYY. Think that's enough for the day lol. I lost like shit at mahjong just now. ): Lost my whole drawer of chips($34) plus an additional $40, which adds up to $74. LOL. First time I lose until so jialat. Stupid 7tai. Damn chor. 7tai one person $25.60/$12.80 leh. Expensive like siao. HAHAHA. And daddy went to zi mo 7tai 3 times. ZOMG. suck all my money really lol. kaykay i stop, this post is lengthy enough haha. BYEBYE.

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