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Officially Employed!
Tuesday, July 12, 2011 | 0 Superman(s)
YAY! After doing nothing and contributing to the jobless rate for a mth and a half, I'm finally employed! Muahahaha. Happy only. Hehhh :D

So anyway, I just came here for a random rant. Remember I said I dreamt of my long awaited angmoh? (okay only those w twitter will know) The next day, my mum dreamt that she was playing w her grandson, MY SON. HAHAHAHA. Damn random I know. But think of this. You know sometimes you will get this feeling of deja vu? I sincerely believe that I ever dreamt about scenarios like that before.

Okay so the morale of the story, I'm psychic, I dream of the future, I'm going to have an angmoh husband and a angmoh baby. HAHAHAHAH. Seriously! Better start being nicer to me now, I'll have nicer dreams about your future lol! =x

Kay enough of rubbish.

These few days have been hectic for me. Its hospitals day in day out. Yesterday was worse, there was 2. 8am at SGH, 4pm at KTP. I woke up at freaking 6am. Can you believe it! I still cant lol. I was just about dying while we were at SGH. So freaking tired. Not to mention I have a bad flu. Worse I've ever seen really. Must be because I havent been sick for so long, that's why its so bad now. Sigh. So anyway, met the specialist, did blood test, went home. Can you believe it! Just those 2 things took me 5hrs please. Whatthe. Went back, had a little rest, lunch, then KTP for doctor again. Totally drained when I got home. My flu got worse also. ): So lucky I'm not working now really. I'm feeling so lethargic all day I can't even bring myself to get out of the house. ):

Anyway, as you must have already known, I dyed my hair! Again, yes. Hahaha. It must be yet another record please. I usually like black, but for some crazy reason I took a liking to changing my hair colour lol. Not to mention both times are failures. First time I tried, I bought Liese's Glossy Brown. It turned out copper. Then I tried this Organic hair dye, which is supposed to be brown too, but it turned out red. (Okay so maybe I'm not sure about the organic one. Bought it quite a few mths ago and I cant rmb what colour I chose. Not stated on the packaging also. But I'm assuming it's brown, cos that's the colour I usually go for)

Now the funny thing is, when I was in the process of dye-ing(if there's such a word) my hair, I tweeted saying my head's on fire! I mean that figuratively because my whole head was HAWT! Literally. I think it's cos the chemicals are doing its work, trying to seep into my thick head. Yeah. But when people saw it, they assumed I was angry at first. When I said I was dyeing my hair, they assumed it was red (lucky guess). And then, they went on to assume it was a fiery red, because of my statement. HAHAHAHA. The power of words huh. So yeah, I've been getting comments like redhead monster. Things like that. Lol! What the hell lor. It isn't even that red! Hahahah. It's like this dark mahogany red, thats only visible under the sun. Indoors its actually very close to black. (Once again, failed hair dye)

I still have a bottle of Liese's Sweet Pink sitting at home. I got it at the beginning of this year when my aunt gave it to me. SUPER unwilling to try it out because of the name itself HAHA. Later I become some freaky pinky person! Wait one more year, see if i'm willing to try it out lol.

OH OH OH! I did something that I'm very proud of today. Usually, I wouldn't even have cared. But then I thought, it's your birthday. Everyone deserves a little happiness on your birthday right? I know you might not care whether or not I did that, but to me it's a really big step. To put down everything, and be nice, is something that I should, but don't usually do, especially to people I dislike.

Being nice to someone you dislike doesn't mean you're fake. It means you're mature enough to tolerate your dislike towards them. - Marcin Mrowca

Who knows? Maybe I'm the one that needs a little kindness in future. (:

What goes around, always comes around. It'd be good to remember that.

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