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Wednesday, September 21, 2011 | 0 Superman(s)
Yes if you cannot already tell, I'm (in the process of) moving back here! ((:

Don't know if its because I haven't touched the htmls for blogger in so long, im feeling a little awkward here. I swear they have never ever given me that much problems! Until now, apparently. For example?

1. The first blogskin I wanted had major alignment problems, which could be fixed. But the thing was the photos were already deleted like the original background and everything. Soo, nothing I could do about that.

2. The second (current) one I downloaded. I didn't have major problems with the whole layout or whatsoever. It was more of whats inside that gave me a splitting headache! If you explored the 9 boxes, which I presume you would have already done so, you'd realise that there's a space for twitter! (which I absolutely LOVE <:) I spent like close to an hour just tweaking the widget itself, changing the color, making sure it appears correctly, linking it to my twitter account and most importantly making sure it actually works properly!

3. So after I made all the necessary changes, I realised my posts doesnt show! I HAVE NEVER EVER ENCOUNTERED ANY PROBLEMS AS SUCH. Tried playing with the htmls and somehow I made my posts show, but it became part of the background! :| like wtshit seriously HAHA. I was so frustrated yet determined to get it right! Lol. And finally it did show at the right place, but instead of showing the 5 latest posts (in sync w my settings), its currently only showing the latest one! ): i type so much now also dont know whether it will show up or not. Mad lazy to face all the htmls again lol. Maybe when I have the timeeee.

School's starting tomorrow! ): im feeling the side effects already. This is horribleeeeee. Gotta buck up! My last year of studies. Im gonna make it a blast! :DD

Treasure the present, and let the future worry for itself.

The Past | The Present
Template by Nurah. Tuto from WA. Icons from Pixel. Music by Yonghwa. Colour from HTML
