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Awesome or what!
Wednesday, July 06, 2011 | 0 Superman(s)


Don't mind the cussing, but I am just so. absolutely. THRILLED!

Remember I said I was J. K. Rowling in the making? Well, I really was. Hahahah. I started writing like a few pages, and I got the shock of my life when I saw this this morning! ^^

AWESOME OR WHAT! I'm #55! That's just like flipping maybe 5pages? And you'd see me already hahaha. And my reads jumped from a pathetic 30 to a whopping 170 this morning! Votes from 2 also jumped to 18. What made me the happiest was my comments, which were zero from the start. I got like freaking 20! AND they were all good comments. LIKE WTF. Ultra mad happy now hahahhaa. I even got suggestions to join it in the Watty Awards! :DD Not that I have the intentions to, but wth hahahah. It's just thrilling to know that there are people that think highly enough of me to join the Watty Awards! Kukuku~

Initially I uploaded the first part. Totally zero comments lor. Emo like siao please. Hahaha. What I didn't realise was I was missing out on my public relations! Lol! I used to think nothing of it. NOW, I realise the importance lol.

OKAY. I only came here to rant. Going to be late for my appt! Gotta be at the hosp by 4. BYE!

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