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Thursday, October 09, 2014 | 0 Superman(s)
i am determined to get back into blogging regularly! hohoho. this place was and still is my refuge. esp with the amount of stress im going to go through until december.. i really need this place! ):

SO. lets start.

i think since mid sept or so ive been studying "full-time". that means, minimal outside contact and almost every hour of free time spent studying. THIS IS PURE TORTURE I TELL YOU. T_T

with the nearing of every exam, i never fail to question my initial motives again and again. degree not enough meh! why am i so unsatisfied that i have to continue torturing myself again!

did you even realise the amount of study there is in this schedule?! sigh. ):

because mh has classes on weds, i went home to study yesterday. it was about 745 when i finished dinner and all. clever me decided to take a 15mins nap to recharge before i started studying and slept for 1.5hrs instead. OMG. i cannot believe it. my alarm was too soft cos i lowered the volume when i was using it in the office! )))): forgot to increase it again and i missed hearing the alarm. sian.

i totally panicked when i woke up lol. there's just so much to do and so little time! currently doing law, and i need to complete studying the whole module by mid next week so that i'll have a little over 2 weeks to fully concentrate on FRD. can you even believe that i'll be having classes for FRD right up till the week before exams?

anyway, because i freaked out over oversleeping yesterday, i stayed up later to study until 12. BUT. i think i was too stressed out ): lied in bed until 4 before i forced my brain to shut down and get some sleep while i still can. have classes tonight till 1030pm! my brain is half dead already =/

I think its already here

okay. enough of studies. ive recently got to know about a new product!

let me present to you, Bio Oil.

i cant rmb where ive heard of this product, but its apparently effective to a certain extent!
as a conclusion to all the reviews ive read, i guess its more effective in prevention than repair. (prevention is always easier than cure?)

i do have stretch marks here and there left behind from my days of puberty, so i hope i'll be hardworking enough to use it consistently! might help for my upcoming oz trip too! (: since the weather's going to be reeeally dry over there. hehe.

not going to put it on my face tho. feels like all its going to do is cause more blockage of my pores. there were reviews that it helped lighten their acne scars tho (i dont have any anyways), so you might want to try it out on your face? idk. up to individual i guess.

so yes. thats about it for today!

i leave you with a selfie of my hair from the day i first dyed it.

except for the fact that this hair is not interview worthy, which im slated for next week, and that it wouldnt last until i go to aussie, which were the 2 main reasons why i dyed my hair, this hair isnt all that bad.

oh. ive gained naturally pink nails just from bathing everyday! not to mention a pink bathroom floor too.

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