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Ang Moh
Sunday, July 06, 2014 | 0 Superman(s)

 Many many many things happened. And recently I got to realise that maybe im just thinking too much! Life would be so much simpler if we could just take things at its face value. Yep. In the midst of living a hectic schedule, I somehow forgot this simple..concept. There is no reason why I should continue harping on all the unhappy stuffs, when I can simply choose to look on the brighter side of life (:

Okay. Quick updates!

Studies. ive already completed 2 out of 5 mods! uh-oh. shouldnt curse myself tho. results will only be out on 18th! hehhh. tax is something im pretty confident in. cbs~ not so. still hoping for the best tho! wish me luck! hahah.

out of the 3 mods left, 1 is pure multiple choice. i was actually supposed to take it in july! (which is now) BUTBUTBUT! iwastoolazytoapply. T_T seriously. exams finished late may, who would have the motivation to apply for another examination so soon! ): so there i was dragging and dragging and dragging till it completely slipped my mind. until a few days ago, that is. hahahaha. check this out!

like, what is this?! ): feels like God sending me a reminder for me to apply and start studying already.

one of the reasons i kept dragging this module was because there are multiple slots open for CBT (computer based testing aka full MCQ mods) tests every single month. its not like the other 4 mods that goes by semester, and slots are only open twice a year. so i was pretty relaxed on this. after i saw the email, naturally i quickly went to book my slot! was hoping for some time in august, BUT THE SLOTS FOR AUGUST ARE ALL TAKEN UP! cannot believe it. the worst thing is they didnt even open ANY for sept till nov! the earliest was in dec. OMG. what if (touch wood) something happens when i take my dec exam! ): i will cry leh. i dont want a written paper! T_T i will seriously pray so so so very hard!

as for the remaining two mods, im thinking if i should take both at once. if i do so, i'll complete all my exams by december this year. initial plan was to take one this coming sem, then another one next year, so i'll complete by may2015, get my bonus in june, and say goodbye. circumstances are actually telling me to leave the company now tho.. (i'll explain later) elizabeth has her wedding in nov too, and they keep asking me to go over and help be a bridesmaid. say i take both this year, i wont have to worry about not having enough leave to study next year! sounds like a plan right. but what concerns me is that the two remaining are FRD (financial reporting and disclosure), which is the number one killer mod and law, which i dont really have a lot of confidence in. ):

the last i took law was in poly, and i got pretty good results, but the process made me want to kill myself. its partly due to the memorising of all the sections and cases, which i prolly wouldnt have an issue with this time because its open book. but then. aiya. duno. i shall wait till results come out on the 18th and make my decision again! if i manage to pass both, i shall take law and frd tgt in the upcoming sem. i refuse to think about the alternative. hahahahhaa

work. sigh. where shall i begin. long story short, during the recent increment, the company didnt give very fantastic (in fact it was like shit. worse than shit) amounts. it was shitty to the point that i actually pointed out that i was very unhappy with it, and i feel grossly underpaid. boss said he will review and consider again because i pointed out valid factors. one whole effing week later, he called us back into the meeting room one by one, just to tell us that he decided that it was enough and he will not increase our pay anymore. i argued that compared to my peers, this is what i should be getting at the very least. obviously they signify my opportunity cost, graduating from the same uni, holding the same cert and honors and all. basically, he told me to not care about what they are getting, focus on my work, stay in my bubble, and hopefully ten years later i'll see a brighter light.

brighter light my ass. a company that doesnt even believe in upgrading their staff will forever stay stagnant in their position. you, my boss, are a failure as the head of a company. so upset that day i cried like mad. every single one of us were so pissed off at him. i really felt like throwing my resignation letter in his face seriously.

i actually decided there and then that i didnt want to stay in this company anymore. but everytime i wanted to take some time to update my resume, i get freaking busy, and i dont know why! im actually pretty free most of the time in this office. only busy periodically, when work comes in, so i thought getting my resume done up will be quite the piece of cake! hahaha. it was till the extent that i thought, ah, maybe i should continue staying for awhile more then? but every time i think this way, something major/semi-major happens at work. like, issues pop up that give me a mini heart attack lol. every single time leh! so okay. ive decided to leave. only managed to complete my resume recently and post it up on those job websites. havent gotten to actually submitting it to job agencies yet. hahah.

randomly thought of working in oz/nz and was searching online about it when alicia came to talk to me! hahaha. seriously. is God leading me to work overseas? hahaha. registered my interest at the nz's immigration website to work in nz. dont know what good that'll do, but oh well! we'll see~ either way, my age and marital status will put me in a better light i guess? hopefully! hehh. if any of you know of any vacancies anywhere, tell me okay! (but i dont come cheap =x) hehe :D

O YEA. i dyed my hair. HAHA. its..super red. like, the-girl-from-Brave-red. dont believe me? here, you can judge for yourself.

this was taken the moment i walked out of the shop after dyeing it.

this is how i think it normally looks like (apparently people all tel me it looks a lot brighter than i think it does! :| ) - my face looks so cui omg.

this is how it sometimes look like, under the sun or spotlights.

most recent photo taken today!

so yea, been getting a lot of mixed reviews over my hair. mainly because the colour's so light i guess.. but seriously. i cant be bothered anymore. im actually quite loving the way it is right now! downside's that its not a colour that people usually go for in interviews tho.. sigh. idk la. we shall see again.

okay! enough of updates. its 1am, and theres church tmr. goodnight! (:

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