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Busy busy.
Tuesday, November 05, 2013 | 0 Superman(s)
Hard at work!

Been real busy these days trying to get my work settled and problems solved before my boss came back today. Month end and all. Heh. I'm proud to say I'm pretty much quite done with everything already! Left me with some free time and I remembered this place.. -hehs.

Work isn't without issues.. was clearing and replying my mails when I thought, oh dear, I need to really read and re-read my mails before I send them out. With everything being black and white, every word counts. If the right tone isn't used, words can be easily misconstrued. The last thing I want is an email war, having my words used against me.

So yep. Remember to read and re-read your mails!

Nothing much recently. Trying to make time for work and rest, been pushing back a truckload of appointments till December, when I'm back and settled. Oh well. We'll just see how things flow. Just hope I wouldn't double book my days again! More than enough experiences on thaaat.

That's all for now. Gotta get back to work. (stole a breather coming here)


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