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What went wrong?
Wednesday, October 30, 2013 | 0 Superman(s)
Today was a normal day. Albeit a little bump at work, everything else still went fine.

Was walking home from the mrt station today, carrying food for me my mum and my brother, since they apparently love the nasi lemak from my workplace thaaaat much. So yeah, I kinda had my hands full. Bag, handphone in hand and a bag of food. Crossed the road, and was waiting to cross the next one, when I saw this elderly man on a walker still struggling to cross the road before the blinking green man turns red, rushed by his wife/daughter beside him.

My heart ached for him. Really. You could see his legs shaking and trembling with the effort he's trying to put it. His walker was quite in front, and you can see him struggling to get his feet forward. Green man turned red, and he turned visibly distressed.

At this point, many were standing at the traffic light, just watching, while waiting for their turn to cross the road. Seriously? No one even had the inclination to step out. I don't get why. So there I went, with my hands full, trying to make myself useful somehow.

When I caught up to the elderly man, all he kept mumbling was, “ 我的脚没有力。。我的脚没有力!

My heart broke. This fragile man in front of me, was desperately struggling to finish crossing the road, and feeling flustered and embarrassed that his legs are failing him. I tried my best to reassure him, telling him its okay, you still have a lot of time. Don't worry, the people in the cars will understand. But he kept repeating those words, saying his legs are weak.

Finally, we managed to get him across, with the help of another passerby, a woman who had stuffs on her hands as well. It was then that the old man stopped saying those words.

I turned around to go on my way, when I realised the amount of people just standing there staring at us.

I didn't understand. There were so many people. Could not a single person step out to help? I was clearly struggling as well because I couldn't even properly support the old man because of the amount of stuff occupying my hands. It would have been nice to have a guy step out and properly guide him or even support him when his legs were clearly trembling with the effort of even standing. Pretty disappointed and upset with our society as a whole. What went so wrong with our education?

Dear Lord, I pray for your healing powers. Heal that man's legs, and have him stand upright again. Let him know of Your great mercy, and be thankful that You are the sole reason he stands again. Help him enjoy his remaining life, with the freedom to go wherever he wishes. With Your blessing, I pray that his remaining years be fruitful and filled with endless joy. Take his pain away and fill his heart with peace, for everything is possible only with You, our almighty Lord, our only God.

Finally, I leave you with this. Remember, actions always speak louder than words.

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