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The Mirror of Life
Monday, October 13, 2014 | 0 Superman(s)
i dont know.. recently, it seems like God is reminding me to count my blessings!

ive been hearing so many stories of people around me getting really sick and facing death. ann was telling us about her bad week, and the last thing we expected out of her mouth was that someone passed away from a sudden heart failure. and that person was only recently married! this is just plain heartbreaking. ):

a few days ago, my mom told me about aunty linda's mum's condition. she has Spinal and Bulbar muscular atrophy. i was pretty shocked. popo was someone who was so energetic! so happy and so..strong. i rmb she had great lungs and a loud voice. haha. it just..hasnt really sunk in that she's been suffering from this for so long already. and i cant even imagine the pain she must continue to suffer. mommy told me she couldnt close her eyes. she lost the control of her eye muscles, so she couldnt blink at all. upsetting. this is so upsetting to even hear about. but because of that, they brought her to the doctor where they did the MRI scan. that's when they realised she had that illness. and because it was already quite developed, she has already lost control of most of the muscles on one side of her body (right or left, i cant rmb). but omg. this is uber upsetting. i cant imagine it even happening to anyone close to me. distraught wouldnt even be a word in my dictionary. i just.. no.

yesterday, i happened to see keith's posting about his mom. my heart broke.

she has cancer. she celebrated her wedding's one monthsary lying in the hospital bed. as a child of God, she fights.

a simple request. pray for her. pray for this young family, so that they might have more time to enjoy their life together, complete as one.

was just talking to mh yesterday about stuffs, and i got reminded of my ahgong. i miss him ): truckloads. i miss that he wouldnt be able to see me get married, i miss that he wouldnt be there to spoil my kids, i miss that our household feels like its missing an authoritative figure, i miss that i didnt have the ability to give him a better life when he was around.

OKAY. enough of overwhelming sadness in this post. my main aim, is to remind all of you. count your blessings okay! it doesnt hurt to be nice to people, even when they dont deserve it sometimes. to be a better person, is to be the bigger person. (:

on a happy note, ive finished my notes for law! friggin thick tho. so happy i dont have to memorise them hahaha. ^^ #countmyblessings

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