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Wednesday, October 30, 2013 | 0 Superman(s)
This morning, I woke up with a really weird dream. I can't really remember everything, but I'll try my best.

It was bonus day, but we somehow had to all participate in a race. A running race. Kinda like our 2.4km run. If we complete the run in the allotted timeframe, we get extra bonus, sorta. So we ran, and I can't remember if I did/didn't complete the run, but I do remember seeing us all sitting down together at the end, all sweaty and panting, clutching our bonus money/slip.

Then my boss turned around with a grin and whispered in my ear, saying that she's going to quit, and her last day would be on 17th Aug/Sep. And that's the next month. So stunned. I don't rmb how I reacted, but I rmb being so so so shocked. Hahahah. Then I went to ask her, so is yh coming back? LOL.

Seriously! That was some really weird dream. Then I came to the office, and the problem that I thought was initially solved, came back to haunt me. With a vengeance. ):


Okay. Back to work! -sighs

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