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Pandora's Box
Thursday, January 09, 2014 | 0 Superman(s)
I'm actually supposed to be working right now! Hahahaha. So not in the mood tho. ): Aaaaaand here I am! :D

Was my birthday the past weekend, and I had a clash between celebrations with family and friends. So obviously, my friends were sacrificed. Hahaha. Epic day tho, and I'm so glad I didn't sacrifice family instead.

Woke up to a ton of greetings in the morning! Heh. Thankyou thankyou all. I personally find it so hard to remember birthdays, so I know how loved I am when I see your texts and wishes! That includes those who wished me on fb too haha. At the very least you took the time to write me something, which is something I most likely did not do for you =x So yes, very thankful to each and everyone of you.

First, I got a birthday text from my dad. I was in the room, he was outside. Conversation went like this..

HAHA. Like seriously. I don't understand why! Technology slaves all around me! Alamak.

Then when I was still lazing in bed deciding whether or not to get up, my mum sent me this photo.

Seriously! Hahaha. I jumped out of my bed (literally) and asked if that was a cake for me. Turns out it was a fake! Booooohooooo. Really really nice cake tho! (: In the end she asked me to go eat my roti prata cake. T.T she bought breakfast for me.

Went to catch a movie at lunch!

Late, I know. But who cares. What my mum wants, what my mum gets. :D

Had a late lunch after the show, went back home to drop off some stuffs, then we headed off to Aunty Linda's house! Now this is where it gets fun hahahaha.

I don't usually check facebook or instagram and stuffs. Don't really check nor update the social networking sites, period. But that morning I went to check my instagram! And ho ho ho. I saw xiaoling's update, with a tagged alicia. HAHA. The cat is now half out of the bag! Obviously she has to be in town right! If not it doesn't make sense for xiaoling to tag her! This is so funny hahah.

So we dropped off at Hougang One, grabbed some stuffs and all. Bought gongcha for the rest of them and I just told my mum to buy one extra in case Alicia was really there waiting to surprise me. Off we went! Reached her place just as she reached home. TIMING SO ZUN. Lol. Went inside, no surprise ley! Uh-oh. Hahahah. Was already beginning to wonder if I guessed wrongly..

Started our mj session as usual, then duayee came. Epic. The first thing she said was "Eh where is Alicia huh?!" LOL. I literally laughed out loud. No joke. Aunty Linda tried to salvage the situation by 'reminding' duayee that Alicia was only going to be back on 23rd. Hahahahaha. Obviously the whole plan was about to flop! Finally Alicia came out from behind and surprised me. Nawwww. You sweet sweet girl! Even tho it wasn't much of a surprise, you're still the best gift I could ever receive <3 Love you!


- This was written so many donkey days ago! I wanted to continue writing, so I saved it as a draft, but I kinda lost track of what I wanted to continue saying (obviously), so I'm just gonna end here for this post. (:

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