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To stay or not to stay
Tuesday, March 04, 2014 | 0 Superman(s)
Haven't been blogging in awhile! hehhh. Can't seem to find the mood to blog much these days. Lets see.. Started classes recently! And omg. You would not believe what fate had in store for me!

 First day, or rather night, of classes, I arrived early! Waaaaaaay too early. There was only one other person in class when I reached. Considering I spent quite some time searching for the class itself, I'm classifying myself under the super early category. They told us to grab notes before we go in, but there weren't any! The girl who was in class before me had hers, and she told me she grabbed it from near the lift. So very obviously, I went there to get mine.

SO MALU OMG. I was just taking it out from the box, when the lift door opened and this indian man started screaming hollering at me to put it back where it is and that I'm not supposed to take it. There were others in the lift with him when it opened as well, and they all happened to be in my class. #ohjoywhatluck

Went back into class, and the indian man said that we have to queue up to get our notes and write our particulars. This girl who was alone too started talking to me, saying how he shouted at her for (i seriously don't remember what). Anyhoos, I think we bonded over him. Stupid man hahahah. At least he gained me a new friend! :D

It wasn't until the next lesson on Saturday that I really realised how deep our connections went. She's a year younger than me, from PHS. And she seems like she knows more people from my batch than I do. OMG. PHS was like this really really dark patch of past I'd love to erase. So horrible seriously. And I didn't mean the school. I meant myself. I was such a spoilt-ah-lian-wannabe-brat that I cringe even thinking of how I was then. Its a wonder how I even made friends. Probably explains how little of them I still keep in contact with, but with those that I still do, I really think they're the world's most magnanimous people. Hahahahha. Even I want to slap the me back then, don't understand how they controlled that urge.

Coming back. I really thought I was over that period when I left PHS. So glad I started afresh in a new school, with nobody in the loop of my dark and dirty past hahahah. Whyohwhy. Why is it coming back to haunt me now! Lol. Oh wells. At least the girl's nice. Everything happens for a reason. God most prolly has His own intentions for bringing this connection back in my life. I'll just have to wait and see! All will be known in good time. I just hope I come out of this in one big happy piece hahah. Crossing fingers! x.x

Yap got married a few days ago! ^^

 Hehe. Didn't really see much of the bride that day. She was waaaaay too busy running around. With this marks the third wedding dinner I've been to! Maaaaasive hole in my pocket please. Still got one coming up in june! Myohmy. Please don't get married all at once lol. I need to let my pocket recover! Hahaha. Nothing much that day, just a little bonked out. Had lessons the whole day, literally. 930am to 530pm, wedding dinner lasted till 11plus. Aiyoyo.

Other than that, nothing much. Gotta start studying soooon! Exams are 2months away and CBS classes hasn't even started yet. #makesnosense Looks like I gotta start my self-study in the next few days. Anyone up for a study date at the library?


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