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How much are you willing to pay
Sunday, October 27, 2013 | 0 Superman(s)
I think I'm pretty weird. Probably. I tend to analyse things in a different way from others. Over-analysing it, actually. Sometimes?

To me, favours do not come for free, no matter how small. I strive to give with my heart, treating everything I gave as lost. It uncomplicates matters. But that isn't the case for others. Something as small as walking me home to my doorstep is unacceptable to me, simply because I cannot find a reason to accept it.

A boy likes a girl, a boy sends a girl home. There isn't anything wrong in that statement. But when the guy puts in effort to care for the girl, they are expecting a best case scenario return of their companionship, to a certain extent. A guy friend once told me, the only reason why a guy would do favours (i.e. acts of kindness beyond what is due or usual) to a girl, would be that they are interested in them. Say I'm the girl in question, I don't see a reason in accepting any simple favours at all, creating false hope, when I can avoid the situation totally.

Again, I digress. But yeah. I just wanted to express my views over favours in general.

Over the years, I started to slowly loosen my standard to accepting favours. I've always felt, that if you start accepting them, the frenquencies will increase. At the very end, the person offering the favour probably would start to regret and complain. That is human nature. Something I need to reinforce myself with.

Favours are probably best left alone. Especially if it's an errand not concerning the person offering the favour. I don't know.. I always get this feeling of owing people something when I accept a favour. Don't really like feeling that way though.. I will strive and try my very best to avoid situations like that.

What they can do, you can probably accomplish yourself.

Result's the same, why trouble others when you can just do it? - that is something I need to continuously reinforce.

Favours can come with a hefty price tag sometimes. The question is, is it worth it?

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