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Who I am
Thursday, April 25, 2013 | 0 Superman(s)
So. I actually think that this place makes me who I am. And I decided to continue with this space periodically. Yay! Heh.

Work has been boring. Time flies! It's gonna be a year soon since I've started working here. Woah. It really waits for no one. Haha.

Work's been quite okay. The people are nice. Just recently I've encountered problems with a certain someone. She just tries to escape every single responsibility that she can lol. What an eye opener! I thought these people existed only in dramas. Well, guess this is a reality check? Sorta. Heh. I need to learn the patience, manage my emotions and finally attain my peace! (: #icandoit jiayou!

Just today, I realised that maybe it isn't the best idea to get too close to people as well. You can never figure out what's on their minds lol. Oh well. In a nutshell, it's fine if I can just be a good girl and do my work without any hitches. Right? (: God has a plan, and I should put my faith in Him and trust that all will be well. I know it will be.

Still, I haven't been a good kid lately ): not doing my bible study, getting angry at my parents and stuffs. Sigh. I hope my peace comes soon. I need the Zen.

Speaking of which, I'm most prolly gonna join this yoga place to try calm my mind down. Hopefully it brings me closer to my inner peace! ^^

Kay. Work tmr. Gotta catch my sleep. Nightnight!

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