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Love at first duck
Sunday, October 27, 2013 | 0 Superman(s)
Third day, and I'm doing pretty well with keeping up with the constant updates, don't you think? Hehhhh. :D

Started my morning with F4. Hahahaha. Had the sudden urge to re-watch Boys over Flowers. Seriously though. I think I might have grown up! ):

I used to pretty much fantasize about that show. Thought it was a pretty good romance and all. But now that I'm re-watching it, I'm just seeing all the impracticalities of it! It's just a perfect scenario that would only exist in your fantasy world. SIGH. I recently cut my hair back to bangs, and Shirley was saying that it suits me a lot better, because it makes me look more like my age. Hahahaha. She claims that I always give off a very matured vibe (hiak hiak hiak :D). Apparently because I'm quite knowledgeable (her words, not mine) in the general knowledge terms. But that's just because I like reading! Even the most useless of articles. Giving off a matured vibe is pretty much what I'm going for in the workplace though.. Wouldn't want to give off a childish vibe to your superiors right? Anyway, I digress.

SO. Went out in the afternoon for my IPL, lunch, and out with Kelvin. Caught Escape Plan today!

SLYVESTER STALLONE AND ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER! (arnold's surname is seriously so hard to spell. z.) I was expecting Slyvester Stallone, but when Arnold (I'm gonna just forgo his surname) came out, totally got a shock! Hahahahaha. Sorry, I didn't do my research on this show.

Long story short, it's about Stallone being a professional jailbreaker, and he was paid to test out this privately run facility, which houses prisoners from all over the world, whose government does not want the criminals on their land. In a twist of events, he found himself locked inside this facility with no way to evacuate (he usually has an evacuation code to provide to the wardens in the event that he wants out) and no clue as to where he is. Somebody wants him off the radar forever. Arnold is one of the prisoners in the facility and together, they start planning a way to escape.

SO NICE. It kinda has a Prison Break feel, but there were scenes which were super funny. Take this for example.

Stallone was running away from the guards and disabling the CCTVs when he asked them to say cheese just to capture a moment for the warden in the control room. Hahahaha. Laugh like mad I tell you. Another funny moment was when they were giving names to the prison guards. Seriously. An action movie not to be missed!

After the movie was dinner time! Savuer yum yum yum! :DDD

First up was Saveur Pasta. Not my type, but delish nonetheless (:

Next up was a personal favourite, Potato Au Gratin! :DDDD

Last but not least, the only duck I'll ever eat. My ultimate bias, Duck Confit. <3

From the first time I ever tried their duck confit, I've been in love ever since. A very apt description would be "Love at first duck" HAHA. Seriously. Never ever ever tried such nice duck before! Not that I ever ate other ducks, but yeah. Hands down. The best duck confit. Ever.

Took a walk around town to try and digest the food. Hahahaha. I think we over-ordered. Wasn't in the mood for such a heavy dinner, but I just couldn't resist! :x

Passed by City Chain, or more like finally found it after 20mins of searching, so we popped in to check out the watches. Super tempted to get my Titus watch ): My current one's a metal strap, but I'm apparently allergic to it. -sigh. Gotta go get a leather strapped one. Why is Titus so expensive! )): Need to keep saving money! $_$

Stopped at Starbucks for a drink. Yumyum. What better way to end my day than a nice cuppa caramel frap? (:

We chatted till pretty late. I didn't even realise! Omg. It was already 1030 when we left the place hahaha. But the Starbucks at Liat Tower is super awesome. It's in town, yet pretty quiet. How cool is that! I'm gonna frequent that place whenever I'm going to be around the corner! :D

Parted ways, and I got this from him on the way home.

HAHAHA. I have xiaomin to blame for this. Seriously.... You will probably never ever find me drinking at my void deck, not to mention drinking with a guy lol.

Oh yeah. Another thing I wanted to mention. POPCORNS!

I seriously did not realise how delish these little buggers are! My oh my! Simply wonderful. I would normally never ever think of ordering any popcorn, because I just wouldn't. The only thing I'd buy in would probably be the nachos combo or something. But since we had a free one this time, we just took it. AND HOW AMAZING IT IS!

Maybe its been really long since I last ate popcorn, but I'm now remembering the goodness of it. Hahahah. Not going to eat it again anytime soon tho, and my first choice is still going to be the nachos combo. But still, brought back quite a nostalgic feeling. ^^

Kayyyyyyy. It's 1am now. I stayed up to blog this! Heeees. So proud of myself. Good job today. Church tomorrow, and dinner with Jeremiah probably. Night night! :o

P.S. I think someone totally cut me with a penknife while out today. I have like 3 slits on my hand which I have no idea where they came from! #whatintheworld z.

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