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Stayovers ♥
Saturday, June 18, 2011 | 0 Superman(s)

So yesterday was edric's birthday! Went out to celebrate w him at the exact same place a year ago! Hahah. A few of us met up earlier, hoping to buy his present, but don't know why he met up w us early also. LOL. In the end also cannot buy the present. The whole bunch of us watched X-Men instead. Which I realise, I keep going out these few days, but I didn't really watch any movies! Its more of like just plain shopping, catching up, eating and.. drinking? HAHA. Yeahhhhh. There was still time after the movie, so we the guys edric kelvin and eric went to pool for awhile. the rest of us just sat there and gossiped. LOL.

The rest of them all came at 7pm, and we headed to Tao's Restaurant for our super yummy and fulfilling dinner! Because I obviously didn't take any photos, I would have to steal it from the rest hahahaha =x

It was a (finished) salad actually. Can't remember if its the 3rd or 4th course.
(Total 7 course meal) This one got story one hahahhaa. Cos tim had duty, but he
had access to internet, so wejust had to let him see what he was missing out on! (:

We asked Edric why his face like that, and he said "Cause I'm sad Tim's not here,
but the food is so good!" HAHA. This was the last course btw. Dessert! :DD
And in case you were all wondering, YES THE FOOD IS FANTABULOUS!

The 4 girls with JH! So xing fu hor HAHA

The last photo was just hilarious! HAHAHA. After dinner, we were searching for things to do, and we decided to go to Playland, which was just opposite! Apparently we can play Wii, Xbox, Playstation or whatever there. Like cool ah hahha. But anyway, their consols were unavailable until 1030pm. SIGH. Hahaha, so we just gave up on that place, and decided on Jhong's place instead! :DD He drove to meet us that day, and the moment he gave the okay for his place, we were all vying for the car HAHAHAHAH. Which actually explains this photo really. Cute ah! LOL (:

So off we went! Its been AGES, like almost a million years, since we last went to his house! Aww I missed that place! It was forever going there to Wii and mj lol. Plus his parents were currently overseas w his sister, so there's basically no one else left(except his maid)! SO HAPPY. We made all the noise we usually weren't supposed to make hahahhaa. We even had like piano accompaniment loh please. LOL. The guys played mj, the girls and a few more guys played bridge, the rest of the guys went to have a swim in the pool or something. LOL. Okay I'm kidding about the swim thing hahaha. I don't really know what they did, watch tv or something? But I really do wonder if anyone swam in Jhong's pool before! Hahahah. Yeah basically thats it. People left at all kinds of timings during the night. Only me, jo, ann, edric, wk, eric, kelvin, jhong(of course) and gz were left. Went out for breakfast at around 8? I was practically starving I tell you! We went out for supper at around 2am? Ba chor mee of course. But I didn't eat anything then, which explains my absolute hunger in the morning hahha. I was mad tired too! I didn't even know what I was doing during the last few games of bridge hahahah. I'd just play, and stone, then play, and forget what's the trump and partner, and play, and forget, and lose. lol. Got one game, I was absolutely lost on whats going on, trump partner or whatever, I just gave up. Then at the end, I realised I was the partner of the bidder, but I didn't know that until we found the partner card dropped onto the floor beside me HAHAHA. Epic, really. But I was literally brain dead at that time. Sleepy and hungry is never a good combination.

Ate our breakfast, discussed where to go later in the evening, which I decided not to join, booked the movie tickets and chatted for a VERY LONG while. (I was seriously trying to find a good time to insert myself into the conversation and say "let's go!" HAHA. They talked about everything under the sun! Army, movies, dramas.. Totally brain dead from the exhaustion, so I didn't bother joining any convs. Couldn't concentrate anyway. Whatever they said just went in and came right out without being processed first.)

By the time I reached home, bathed and got ready for sleep, it was around 10plus. Slept and got woken up by mummy at 3plus. She asked me if I wanted to head to ahgong house, which I declined to do so. Hahahhaa. Ultra MAD tired! I know I said this like about a million times already, but really. Stayovers usually drain a hell lot out of me, partly also because I refuse to sleep. LOL. So boring to sleep at stayovers, might as well go home and sleep myself. So yeah. Did my stuffs, ate MAMEE cos I was hungryyy and.. I can't rmb what I did but I was using the comp lol. At 6 daddy went out to buy dinner, and I was watching 'Cloudy with a chance of meatballs' on HBO. I watched until nearing to the ending where they were trying to stop the machine, and my eyes were really trying hard to stay open. Gave up watching, and went to sleep. I was so tired I didn't even bother to off my lights! LOL. Slept w the lights on. Woke up at 10pm, and TA-DAA. Here I am! (: I knew I was right to not meet them in the evening. Imagine how tired I'd be! Been going out every other day recently, and it can be really draining I tell you. Lol. Its time to stay at home and enjoy my holidays! Hopefully. I'm going to cut down on my going out-s. Running low on finance anyways. ):

[Time Check: 11.14pm] So that's it! Goodbye for now. I'm going to go watch my animes, and hopefully find more things to do lol.

The Past | The Present
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