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Monday, June 27, 2011 | 0 Superman(s)

Yes I've been busy!











Okay okay you got me. I was just plain lazy. HAHA! =x But it really has been a busy weekend!

The weekdays were quite alright. Being an apparent contribution to the jobless rate in society, there just isn't that much to do at home, except to just lie there and.. sleep? HAHA. Things like that laa. But my sleeping time's gotten worse though! I used to sleep at around 1 when there was school. Now I'm sleeping at 4-5 in the mornings, sometimes 6. Not that I'm complaining, but I am so going to suffer when school reopens!

Talking about school. I am so absolutely sick and tired of studying already. ): I know. Before you say anything, don't judge. Especially you army people. Obviously you are thinking along the lines of "you don't know how lucky you are to be able to study" and things like that. I KNOW. It's just, accounts just doesn't appeal to me as much before. Okay let me put it in this way. I lost my sense of direction. Primary school, got secondary school to work towards. Secondary school, got either JC/poly to work towards. Poly, got uni. Uni got what? All along I've been studying and working towards clear cut goals. But beyond uni, I don't know what awaits me, and it scares me, to the depths of my heart. It's just this phobia of uncertainty. When I was attached, it didn't used to bother me as much. At that time it was more of like, "at least got someone to go through things with me", things like that. So ya lo. Now I feel so alone ): I really hate growing up now. I predict a major breakdown the day I graduate from school. Not from the joy of graduation, but from the fear of what the future brings.

OH WELL. Enough of that. Back to the topic. I'm gonna start on friday then! Friday was such a super clash-y day! HAHA. Eric had his POP at Hendon Camp, nh also had his POP at Pasir Lebar Camp, and we had an IG meetup that evening! So qiao ah! HAHA. It feels like 7th May all over again LOL. (JSYK, 7th got ken's bday party, hk's bday party, gina's rom, polling day) So yeh. I gave a miss on both the POP-s (real sorry! =x) because I just had to be there for the IG meetup! I planned it leh. How can I not go. Hahaha. So yeahhhh.

Surprise visit from JOSEPH Tan(Mr)! I told him I'm going to call him Joseph from now on just for the fun of it. HAHAHAHAHA. I mean, technically I'm allowed to right! And please, he is so much worse than me okay. Whatever little image of a teacher that I have of him literally shattered to pieces that day. LOL. No kidding! You'd just have to be in his presence to know what I'm talking about. Hahahahah. So yep. Spent the day chatting, gossiping and catching up. I realise my conversations with people these days don't really leave these 2, or rather 3 significant people. WHY. One of them, was a person of interest, so I don't really blame them for asking. Second one, I don't even know why the hell is that person in my life, really. The last one, well I don't know how to describe. Let's just say I'd rather not have any exchanges with that person as of now (or rather, a month ago).

Saturday was also a clash-y day! I was supposed to meet huishan for some musical or something at MBS, but I couldn't go cos I had a housewarming! I initially told her I had fathers' day family gathering, which turned out to be on sunday instead of sat actually (I rmbed wrongly =x) Lucky got the housewarming to occupy me, if not I'd probably be murdered by huishan HAHA. Housewarming was fun actually. Got to FINALLY see all my cousins who are so busy w uni life! Irritate the little kids, snatch their toys and play.. stuffs like that hahahaha. Oh ya I think some of our clique went out for movie also, which I obviously couldn't join >:

Sunday! (That's today actually. But because its currently 215am, its gonna appear as a monday post) I woke up at 1plus, had beehoon for lunch. Watched a little bit of shows, and we left house at 4 to head over to my ahgong house! Fathers' Day gatheringggg. Had buffet, played mahjong, watched my shows. Yeah thats all. AND I FREAKING WON MONEHHHHHHHH HAHAHAH. Like 15 I think. Muahahaha. So proud of myself. I might be starting to accept a 4-leg mahjong already lol!

I actually just wanted to haolian my new sunnies. HAHA.

Family dinner at Soup Restaurant. (:

kay thats all! Can't believe I spent an hour just typing these rubbish. Started at 130, its already 220! Back to my showww! ((:

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