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A three-second memory
Thursday, June 09, 2011 | 0 Superman(s)
i know how everyone's been saying i have friggin awful memory and things like that, but i never ever saw that as a problem! until recently, that is.

today, i wanted to bathe. but my toiletries were in the other toilet, because i came home late yesterday night, and due to circumstances, i couldnt bathe in my usual toilet! so yahhhh. i already have all my clothes needed out and stacked on my bed, but i decided to go take my toiletries from the other toilet first, in case i forgot. so i went, took and placed it back in my usual toilet, and bathed. nothing wrong right. here comes. i finished bathing, and i turn around to grab my towel, only to realise none of my freaking clothes are with me! HAHA. i freaking forgot all about bringing my clothes in! z. obviously too embarassing to ask my family members to take for me, so i tiptoed out to my room, which is around 10 steps away, grabbed my clothing, ran back in, almost falling in the process. (slippery ma) like, how could i have forgotten la! wtshit seriously hahahha.

if this isnt bad enough, the other day was worse. a few days(or weeks? i dont know. days usually feels like weeks to me lol) back i was bathing, my memory cocked up again. okay so this is usually what i do when i bathe. i first wash my hair, wash my face, then wash my body. top to bottom ma hahha. so back to the point. i went in, started to bathe, wet my hair. next step is to put shampoo right? but what i did was i squeezed body foam onto my hand instead. z. lucky i discovered just before i scrubbed it onto my hair. so i washed it off and tried again. this time im correct. i squeezed shampoo, but i started scrubbing my body instead. ... LIKE WHAT THE HELL LOL. i literally stood there laughing at myself. hahahah seriously! something went wrong in my brain lah.

but i realised its the norm for me to wash my body more than once usually when i bathe. not cause i find myself too dirty or whatever, which i am not. hahaha. its more of because i cant remember if i already did wash my body! so everytime i think im done w my bath and reach for the towel, i suddenly question myself, and i cant remember if i already washed my body, and i decide, heck la, just wash one more time. wont die to be cleaner. so yeah. thats what happens most of the time.

now now. i should start eating more of whatever chicken/fish/duck essence already. if it helps my memory. i think next time i sure tio Alzheimer or something. ): I DOWAN!

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