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Tuesday, July 29, 2008 | 0 Superman(s)
OKAYY.. i realise im not blogging as frequently already. kinda plain lazy. nothing much happening anyways. so yeap! updates now..

woke up at 8plus. stoned infront of the tv watching some history channel show, then headed off to the library at 10. studied. not much la actually. i didnt even get a chance to start on cma. all i did for the day was only all tutorials for bfin and pca, not counting the notes. i skipped doing all the notes to financial statements. as in, literally ALL. haha. seriously! i cant stand it. freaking long and troublesome. damn. this cannot do. must start going to memorise all the statements already. then practice formats for cash flow and SOCE statements. hmmm.. ohoh! bfin formulas too. damn. so many things to do. oh i completed all my tutorials for the week too! obviously except for law la. bwahahaha (:

OKAY. back to topic. so yea. studied from 10 onwards all the way till 6plus in the evening. edric weekwang and kelvin came to join me halfway after their haircut too. and im very terribly sorry that i chose a table blazing with sunlight. HAHA. seriously damn bright. didnt want to choose the inner tables cos i almost froze to death the previous times. lol. kay next time i shall choose the middle ones. haha. we shall see again then.

went for dinner at central market after that. not bad eh! changed so much. its been like donkey years since i last been there. haha. think i need to get my butt outta house more often already. teeeheeeheee :D

seriously. nothing much at all. it was just a normal day and everything. OHOH! i remember already! we had year1 subcom interview! yeah! that stupid interview made me miss my badminton la! ): okay nevermind. there was this guy. he's daaaaaamn cute i swear! hahaha. stella kept shooting him then he went like nonononoo! HAHAHAHA. super hilarious. totally like little boy la! funny! lol.

went for cas debrief lecture after that. woah. quite..hmmmm. i duno what to say. but hahaha. yea. nvm la. its over anyways. OHWELL.

NOTHING happened, except for the fact that law lecturer was half an hour late resulting in us all skipping the stupid lecture. lolol. kinda dumb la. but yea.

4hours break leh. wallao. lol. so we headed down to tm pizza hut! went back, had cma. THE END.

kinda boring day, but yea. its the norm, which explains why i didnt see the need to blog. hoho. lol. spent my whole evening just watching all the youtube videos. the girl's super cutee i swear! but quite sad. 10years leh! then the guy likes another girl. lol. super sad la! i practically sat there and teared for her too. haha. really!! sweet girl. (:

OKAY. think i laughed too much too hard already. headache. must sleep now. very tired also. hahaha. SWEETDREAMS!

the one apologising should be me, not you. im sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry. no words can express it well.

ive always hated such occassions, and im never going to like it.


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