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Tuesday, July 08, 2008 | 0 Superman(s)

not bad. so long since i blogged. its 4 days in running already. lol.

yesterday was AGM. all was well la. haha. i think our new director's quite funny. hahah. more of his actions and the way he express himself la. you wouldnt imagine he's the director. would prefer that thou. more interactive. it gives u the feeling they're not that far away after all. :D

butbut! we didnt get to wear our uniforms lo. POOT. they changed the dress code to formal last minute. lol. just when i was starting to think it'l be fun la. SIGHS. i even borrowed from cherlyn already can. hahaha. WASTE ALL MY EFFORT. ): kay nvm. last day of school, i'l make sure i get ppl to wear it with me to school. hahaha. MEMORY'S SAKE OK. :D :D :D

i forgot what i was talking about yesterday. but i remebered something about laughing when ure sad. mm. duno lei. i was just thinking this morning. actually, the sadder u are, the more u'l laugh lo. lol. im serious k! normally, i laugh and laugh, and cry. HAHAHA. kay sounds retarded. lol.

CMA test tmr. lucky its only job and process costing :D but its a freaking 40marks ah. damn. which means ive gotta study, very hard. OHWELL.

oh and!! the havaianas are kinda useless too la!! see cos ive got blisters at the back of my feet, and at the side of my big toe thr from wearing heels. so ive decided to wear my havaianas since palms would be a killer in that situation. THEN! my havaianas, caused blisters AT THE SIDE OF MY FEET! somewhere below the blister at the side of my toe. it hurts lo!! my feet, is in a very very terrible condition. hahaha. reckon i should just go barefooted la.

cousin's having problems in nz. cheerup. jiayou. ignore that man who calls himself a man when he's nothing near one. I'L BE THERE WHENEVER YOU NEED ME!! hang in there! it breaks my heart to see you like that ):

kay i'l stop here for now. byebye.


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