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Tuesday, July 15, 2008 | 0 Superman(s)
mama said, cousin was not supposed to know, so i took the posts off. but he's recovering already anyways. bit by bit. not to worry. thing is he has to spend another week at least in icu. he'l be fine la. i guess. (:

today, was quite an eventful day.
FIRST AND FOREMOST, i woke up late! i mean, okay, tell me something new. lol. i woke up at 730, which was the time i was SUPPOSED to be out at the interchange already. hmm. but i decided to go anyways, since ive been a prisoner to my own laziness for so long. imma changed girl kay. good girl already (: (: (: so yup. went out at around 8, which is half an hour later than my usual timing. TO MY OWN AMAZEMENT, i reached school only a few minutes late for lecture. HAHA. thats damn coooool please!! :D i think ive been arriving at school too early already. lol.

oh and, i forgot to mention the fact that i forgot to bring my handphone to school today, which rendered me supeerrrr lost for the whole entire LONG day. omg. seriously. lol. its, an unexplainable feeling of helplessness. no idea how to explain this, but yea. haha. im too used to holding it in my hands already.

after pca lecture was law lecture. haha. we normally do stay for it la. but today we had the f1 race interview! so yup. skipped it and went for interview. lol. walked all the way to engine block. freaking far. omg. haha. i wish business block was that large. i wish for more cheers. or maybe 7-11s. haha. interview went fine. standard questions asked. lol. kinda expected la. so yeah. i just hope i dont get the morning shift! so hooooooot. i'l just melt and die under the sun. haha. we're going to go for supper if we get the night one! and i get a very valid reason to go home late too!!! how cool is that :D but i'l have to find a way to prevent papa from coming to fetch me home thou. mm. i'l settle that somehow (:

due to the end of all apel lessons, jo & the others all had NO lessons after that already. super jealous. lol. but being very kind, they volunteered to stay till 3pm with us PLAYING BRIDGE. haha. seriously. we are super no life can. its like an everyday standard thing. after lunch, bridge. before lessons, bridge. inbetween lessons, bridge. lol. plus, now its at a super addicting stage. guozhi wasnt with us today, which meant we had no cards! since jo threw hers away yesterday. itchy hands. lol. and since we had none, i thought we werent going to play. in the end, jon & bob went to BUY a new deck. hahaha. omg. very very kua zhang. hahaha. i was practically laughing my head off already please! omgomgomg. lolol. went under the usual void deck to play after eating. lol. we played till like 3pm la! omg. we were late for class. cos nobody took note of the time since they all had no more classes. so mean right. haha. so yeap. went for cma. and i passed my class test! haha. so happy (: but it was super lousy la. omg. this sem results, sucked big time. last time it was all As and B+s. very rarely would it even get to B! NOW, its practically, all like shit. lol. i need to score, very very badly.

after class, went home. took 22 today, since 25 was taking such a long time to come. 22 stops at my house too thou, so its easier :D it was raining. very heavily. so nice can. then 2 stops before my house, someone pressed the bell, and i got off. walked home in the rain. HAHA. its damn nice please. makes me miss the days i used to walk home from school, whenever i had something on my mind to think about. the rain really clears your head you know (: all the cars that passed by me stared at me as if i was some mad person or whatever. lol. its damn damn nice. i likedloved that feeling. thought about alot of things, cleared alot of things.

hmm. SO CHIM RIGHT. omg i cant stand myself. i sound.. so profound. LOL. okayokay. enough. but really la. i think, we all have to do crazy stuffs once in awhile just to ensure we're all normal :D

HAHA. okay i shall stop here now. i wanted to plan an outing for our clique this saturday! but i just realised, ive got care. oh damn. another weekend burned. so it can only be on sunday or next saturday, which is yet another weekend burned. 3weeks in a row already okay! ): but! haiyo. so long nv go out with them already. since school reopened lo! as in, yr2 reopen. not even the midsem hols did we go out. how sad is that! okay. we shall watch, HellBoy. korkor said its nice :D so i shall trust him (: shall see how.

kay byebye.


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