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Friday, July 25, 2008 | 0 Superman(s)
OKAY. im here to blog. its been only 4 days! feels so long thou. hmmm. okay. i shall try my best to recall everything that happened :D

GetSlim day! forgot to bring my camera in the morning. haha. silly me. to think i even went to the trouble of making sure both my battery and spare ones are full. AHHWELL. so i went to school and got a scolding from siaowei because of that. im so terribly horribly sorry! lol.

all went well for the day. xm&me met up with the rest of them after our cma ended at 5. the referees were LATE! haha. i literally bombarded xiaotian's handphone because of that. he was supposed to help me get the referees you see. he said alot of them kinda decided to go MIA at the very last minute, so yeah. the soccer club captain. omg. i swear i'l remember him for life. hahaha. =x

so yeap, after the referees all arrived our event officially started. i was over at the soccer side with xm. HAHA. and i was right okay. soccer is a game i will never learn to appreciate. lol. so violent! omg. plus the fact that they kept cursing i'd get hit by the ball, which i nearly did, all the more i wont like it. haha. okay la. perception. but yea. (: all went well for my side. made a few last minute changes to the rules and order of teams playing.. and yes! im proud of myself :D heard the capnet side didnt go too well thou. i learnt from my lesson already. HAHA. i was referee for capnet last year. wallao. stress. lol. its kinda like a tradition already i think. every year without fail, theres bound to be problems at the capnet side. luckily i was given the soccer, however unwilling i was at first! :D

ended the whole event at around 9plus. the referees, xiaotian's friends, decided to stay back and help us with the logistics and stuffs! lol. they were from engine school i think. yeap. funny bunch. fun lah. haha. we were discussing how to get xiaotian to treat us all to something really good. LOL. (: went opposite for dinner/supper cum debrief with them all plus the referees. pardon me calling them referees cos i seriously dont remember their names. HAHA. im sorry. think the capnet referee might prolly drop his jaw all the way to the floor and demand a explanation as to why i forgot his name. LOL. super funny la them. oh but they did a GREAT help. haha. thankyouthankyouthankyou! :D :D :D

went Techno, or whatever that place was called. lol. tummy was growling like craazzy. but i didnt eat. too tired already. haha. could practically just sleep there once i closed my eyes. debrief lasted until around 11. after that met weekwang to take 69 then change 22 home. he waited for me! so sweet. haha. thats one of the rare occasions, that is. lol. reached home at 12plus 1, then bathed. went online while waiting for my hair to dry, but gave up after 5mins. haha. too tired already! fell asleep at almost the moment i plopped down on my bed. SWEET DREAMS! (:

cant really rmb what i did. lets see. AHHAHH! i remember already!

met eugene for project at 9am. okay so i was late. lol. im sorry. reached at only 915-930. (: did leadership. went off at around 2plus cos he wanted to go cut hair, so i joined them at the sports hall! played badminton with them thr. sooo niceeee! (: (: (: its been soooo long since i last played kay. a few months at least. haha. played till i duno when then met xm and went off. lol. they headed over to bowling after that thou, i think. yeap. thats about all for my wednesday!

i woke up late for cma lecture! OHMYMY. went instead for bfin tut after that. got back our test results. wth. it sucked, like crazy. i need to seriously start studying already. this weekend. sunday. and the mugging season starts. (:

after lunch went for leadership tut. wallao. another heavy blow. next sat's the test already. omgomgomg. lol. waited for junhao's class to end aft that cos we were supposed to do accpac. our class always ends earlier. like, half an hour earlier. lol. but i met xiaomin! that was super random. i never ever see her there. lol. turns out her class ended early. so yeap, we both headed down to the labs first. jh, leslie & joanne joined us when their class ended. did accpac. omg. had so many problems. did like 2 times, and i still couldnt get my figure for the discount expense! gave up in the end then went bizpark to slack and bridge! lol. addicts.

went for leadership lect then to Techno for dinner with jo&bob after that. and obviously, bridge again. haha. got bored of cards, then played the memory game. quite fun la. haha. played till around 9 then went home. THE END.

ACCPAC TEST DAY! reached school at around 11, to complete my accpac. i sworn i could have cried. lol. i did a freaking 6 times u know! and its still wrong. panicked like nobody's business. lol. but thanks to minghua and yongwen, i finally finally found out my mistakes and completed the whole thing for ONCE. lol. :D :D :D damn happy kay! went to join them for squash after that. fun la. i think im not bad for a first timer already. hahaha. but i still prefer badminton la :D it has a lighter racket. this one, i keep smacking myself with the racket. LOL. damn pain la please! and they kept laughing at me! idiots. haha. ive got a stupid blister on my thumb tooo! ohdamn. so many injuries. lol. not a very good game after all. :D

headed for law after the game. damn tired. but ohwell. law today, was kinda fun! in some way or another la. haha. got back our law project. 50.5/60! YESYESYES! now it helps to pull up my test score, which also sucked like crazy! (: (: (:

headed back down to lab to prepare for accpac test. i walked out feeling quite confident. but! thinking again, im not so sure already! ohnoohnoohno. daaamn. okay nvm. i shall have faith in myself and not think about it anymore.

tmr's NEFMQ at NUS. meeting edric at 820. im pretty confident i can wakeup on time. HAHA. but! till this point in time, i still have no idea who's my group mates. OMG. wthwthwth. lolol. think im gonna be so screwed tmr. i havent studied yet, and i forgot all the econs stuffs already. can almost picture us getting kicked out in the preliminary rounds. lol. wth.

OKAY. thats enough for now. very long already. most prolly blog tmr then. look forward to the results. hahaha. :D oh and, good luck to all those taking the accpac test tmr too! its quite okay la. (:

im very sorry to you. i never knew the extent of hurt my actions brought you. siaowei was right. i tend to offend people easily without knowing it. i need to be more sensitive to yours, and everyone's feelings.
and to you, i have a bad feeling about the way you are behaving now. please. try to understand. i would hate for history to repeat itself.

i feel like a total bitch now. IM VERY SORRY. ):


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