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Thursday, July 17, 2008 | 0 Superman(s)
15 hours straight of work in school.

omg. can die you know! seeing i slept at 3 yesterday night, im in a terrible need of rest. lol. cma lecture this morning at 9am. was super tired. woke up abit late, then bus 8 came with 2 buses full. ohmygawd. so i was like 2mins late for lecture. lol. oh. i was supposed to meet junli in the morning too! he was gonna pass me the GetSlim forms. mm. got edric to get them for me in the end. thanks and sorry to both! :D

aft tt was bfin tut then leadership. we had presentation! omg. okay la. mock one only. not as bad as i imagined. haha. next week's the real one. O.O after presentation, we could go off! but we went back lab for accpac. BORING.

okay. so we did all the way, until 9.45pm, when the lab closed. woohoo! so cool. but it still doesnt break my record lo. i stayed in school till 11. doing MBS. stupid lo. ON A SATURDAY TOO KAY. haha. really damn annoying. but not bad la. the whole bunch of us went for supper! haha. damn cool kay. its a mixture of classes. okay la. i know all, except for allen or allan or whatever his name was. lol. OHOHOH. reminds me. i know mingxuan's girlfriend. ITS DEBBIE HOON. omgomgomgomg. i cant believe the world is that small. hahaha. i rmb debbiefoo or whoever once told me her bf's in my course, my year. duno. i didnt bother to find out who at that time thou. mm. i wonder why. hahaha. maybe its cos i didnt know alot of people at that time too. lol. no idea. i was talking to yenfenn. told her this. then she went like, CHEY. i thought what u want tell me. haha. its super shocking please! at least for me la. haha. reminds me. so longggg since i last went out with you people! huikuoon kitty xinying yenfenn mengzhou weileong! :D please please please get me outta my house soooon. (:


damn. since this monday start le lo. hahaha. super tiring to climb up so many flights of stairs kay! but im too lazy to go take the lift from the other side.. so yea. haha. okay! nvm. exercise! jianfei (:

alright. SPLITTING HEADACHE. 2days and counting already. im having a fever! omg. okay out i go.

i want time to pass quickly, that i may step down. there is just simply no point working with you, when ure that unhappy with me. i regret, persuading her to stay on. we should have just left.


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