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Saturday, July 26, 2008 | 0 Superman(s)
National Economics & Finance Management Quiz. NEFMQ 08 for short. haha. had that today! (:

met edric at kathib mrt at 8.20 then went tgt to clementi mrt stn. met xinyuan and huiching then we cabbed down to NUS. haha. quite funny. but wierd too. wierd in a sense, that we were all surrounded by jc ppl in uniforms. we were super striking. lol. plus the fact that they all took out their notes to mug the moment they reached or whatever. hahaha. we were all sitting there, staring at each other, blink blink, then laugh. haha. hilarious. we were super slack la please. u can see the difference already. quite obvious. we even took out cards to play bridge! omg. hahaha. taught leon and xinyuan how to play. hopeless right. hahaha.

quiz itself comprised of 40MCQ qns. 20 econs 20 finance. plus 4 short ans questions. lol. difficult like crazy. the equations are like never seen before kind please. haha. tried subbing the y=mx+c formula in, but yea. i think we failed terribly too. hahaha. even mr koh tong mong who went with us were stunned at the questions lo. its jc standard econs. not ours. lol. but yea la. quite fun. the finals was DAMN exciting. i guess common love/hate really bonds everyone tgt, as proven by GetSlim day already. hahaha. everyone practically clapped and cheered for dunman high school when victoria jc lost at the last question. HAHA. who ask them! big bullies. but was abit sad for RJ lah. they were leading all the way! haha. lost by a few points also at the last question. lolol. super exciting! :D :D :D okay la. learnt quite alot also, so yeap! (:

wanted to blog more but im seriously tooooo tired already. tomorrow marks the start of the mugging season. GOGOGO! jiayouu.


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