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Wednesday, July 30, 2008 | 0 Superman(s)
HAHA. so much for studying. i practically wasted my whole day today.

finally! no school! woahhh. butbut! still had to go to school lo. wthhhh. haha. okay nevermind. for once in a gazillion years, i get to reimburse my sleep! alarm rang from 7am till 9am. woke up, switched the comp on, and started chatting. HAHA. hilarious please. really rarely i see so many people online at that timing thou, cos everyone's normally in school burying their heads in the accpac book or something. come to think of it, 4 out of 6 classes doesnt have classes. 01, 03, 04, 06. 01 has classes, but only 4-6, which is yea, kinda dumb. lol. so! i chatted, until around 11plus. then i went back to moo moo land. HAHAH. too tired already! super! all the projects left me drained empty.

woke up at 2 when papa banged my door open asking me why i hadnt gone to school yet. lol. his timing was super nice. that was the time my alarm was supposed to ring! :D got ready and eth, then he suggested to fetch me there! so okay lo. sat down stoning infront of the teevee until around 3plus.

reached school, did leadership. went for the revision lecture after that. woah. super alot of things to study. but thinking again, its 40mcqs! and of course not forgetting the 10m short ans qn. hmm. so yeap. not that bad afterall (: went for dinner at tm ljs with joanne after that.

we chatted. AHH. another one. daaaamn long since i last sat down to talk to her like that. talked about stuffs that happened in the past. ohoh! i swear leslie's damn cute too! haha. we were teasing him about him and 'us' the other day at pizza hut. he actually rejected the offer to go out for a movie with 'us'! myGAWD. what in the world was he thinking! hahaa. but okay. i agree with jo abt the part where we shouldnt tease him that much. cos normally, if u tease someone too much about it, the possibility of it happening would decrease. yeap. HAHA. count your blessings leslie. lolol. we shall talk to u about it.. not as frequently. hehe. :D

chatted about quite a few people too. for one, i never ever liked *, and i still think i dont like* now. seriously. very fake. i dont like. you changed, but you reverted. but yea. once again, perception. (:

OHOH. i was reading my mails today. we recieved replies from the loola people about accomodation in Bintan. HAHA. these were the questions asked and replies recieved.

1) How many people will be sharing in one "room" at Loola?
2) How will the students sleep in the "room" at Loola. Are there any beds/ mattress?
3) Is there any divided lines between the "rooms" for males and females?

We have 6 bungalows which can handle 4-6 people. (beds and mattresses) The dormitory can handle 150 students and they will sleep on mattresses.Normally the teachers (and girls ) stay in the bungalows and the boys in the dormitory.

HAHA. i just thought it was very funny to see the reaction of the guys if they see this :D

KAY. enough. i need to get back to doing my leadership stuffs already. i want this over and done with! lol. GOGOGO!


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