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Monday, July 21, 2008 | 0 Superman(s)


i missed you loads loads loadsss too kay! i wanna sit at the fountain and talk with you again. i swear LOADS have been happening and im dying to tell you. i miss all the things we did together too! ohman. ure making me so sad! haha. really really promise to meet up soon okay. its a promise. i miss you! ):

my whole of yesterday was practically spent watching Hwang Jin Yi. quite random. yea. no idea what made me watch that thou. it was soo sweet at first! the guy's super adoooooooorable! BUT! its really dumb okay. which male lead dies at like the NINTH episode?! theres like a total of 24, which means, he didnt even survive half the series. kinda dumb. yea. but damn sad la. was crying like nobody's business. T.T but after the 9th episode, i decided the show was abit dumb for the male lead to die at such an early stage, so i stopped watching. haha. was having a headache anyways. thats what happens when i cry too much. AHHWELL. decided to continue watching again at night. wah quite dumb already. haha. the girl turn super evil, and there was another male lead! not nice one lo. i think the first one which died damn cute. cuter than this one. lol. :D

today was alright. fweeeezing day. damn cold. went out with xm after pca to tm for lunch. LOL. its super random i tell you. she was just asking me in class if i eaten my lunch, i said no, then we both decided to go tgt. haha. but i gotta go tm anyways. had to get the prizes for GetSlim event. headed down to long johns for late lunch! haha. oh yea. and i was telling her, practically everything. lol. please! she must be suuuuper honoured la! even cousin doesnt know that much. but aiyah. duno la. now you see how poor thing i am right. lol. mm. not bad la. i didnt think, i could talk that much with her. haha. its a good start to a very strong friendship. :D :D :D

walked around tm&cs with her. shopped abit. didnt see anything much then went back home. lol. yeap. thats all for today.

okay. ive been thinking alot about what xm said. even if what she said was true, i cant do anything. its just not right for a girl to do that. its totally impossible i tell you. at least for me


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