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Joe Mcelderry
Saturday, May 21, 2011 | 0 Superman(s)
i am absolutely totally in love with him! he is just brilliant! he has an AMAZING voice i tell you. ultra suited for singing gospel songs! his voice heals. (: hahaha. at first i noticed him because of the song i previously posted, but when ken said he won the final competition, i dug deeper! and here i am, after spending the whole morning scouring the whole youtube for videos of his competition! hehh. absolutely amazing. there is no other way to describe him, he's just a natural! too bad his record company dropped him. sigh. i would've loved to hear his own songs.

but anyway, im just really pissed off about some stuffs. lol. i didnt want to say anything, because obviously im not part of it. okay maybe i am the cause of it. but seriously, woman. friends do have friends. stop being a selfish bitch, as you so lovingly put it. grow up! you immaturity disgusts me seriously. i didnt believe anyone of our age would have such mindsets, that is of course, until i met you. you dont "lose" a friend just because your friend has other friends. friends are not your boyfriends. if you care about your friend to that extent you get jealous over them having other friends, maybe you should ask yourself if you like your friend more than a friend. at least that makes your jealously just a tad more justified. just because your friend is nice, doesnt give you the right to call them names. and fyi, WE ARE NOT DATING. wtf seriously. and being a friend, they dont have the obligation to report their every activity to you. if you have so much time on your hand to get do such ridiculous things like calling your friend "liar bitch" just cos they went out w me instead of you, why dont you complain to your boyf about it? im sure he would have a pretty decent amount of things to say. and stop insinuating snide remarks! unlike you, i have brains, and i do understand your not-very-hidden-hidden-meanings woman. seriously. your immaturity pisses me off. i dont understand why people like you think that way. it amazes me seriously. that i admit my brains arent as developed in that area, which im especially thankful for. URGH. i just feel so sorry for your friend and your boyfriend seriously. you are blessed with them, yet too blind to see. i pray that God enlightens you and clears your eyes. you really need guidance girl.

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