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Friday, May 06, 2011 | 0 Superman(s)

haven't started since wednesday, the day of ISORG exams. sigh. TOTALLY NO EXAM MOOD LOH. i think i holiday too long already >:

BY THE WAY, it sucks that everyone's so rifled up about tomorrow's voting, and im not gna be part of it! ikr! sigh. like im still some kid. pfft. oh well. another happy thing, MY HAIR IS AWESOMELY FANTASTICALLY LONGGGGGGGGGGGGG~

okay im exaggerating. its not THAT long, but its been the longest in the whole of my (soon-to-be) 21 years of life! yippieeee *bounce bounce bounce* you have absolutely no idea how EXHILARATED i was when my mum said my hair was long! hehe. if you didnt know, my hair length's now approximately.. um, its longer than my bra clasp behind, but abit higher than the small of my back. hahahha. im sorry if i made any of you guys uncomfortable with my usage of words, but i really cant find another way to describe the length! im just HEAPS happy that its that long! oh scrap that. heaps happy doesnt even begin the describe what im feeling. lets just say im over the moon ((((: ive always wanted to curl my hair (BIG BIG wavy curls!) because i really think it makes a person look more mature! like some princess. seriously! go think back on all the dramas you watched, the person always has straight hair, and when its at the last episode when they say its 3/5years later kinda thing, the girl almost always has curly hair! just to show some changes, and it really does make them look more mature! haha. so yes! curly hair, here i come! (soon.) a little bit more, when it grows till my waist :DDDDD *excitedddd*

this just once again proves everything. the more i think, the more i want, the more things go in the opposite direction.
dont think, dont want, dont do.
just live my life, the way i want it to.

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