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Saturday, May 02, 2009 | 0 Superman(s)

this is just beautiful. really. i was at yahoo when i saw this bulletin. literally sent shivers down my spine. this song's actually one of papa's favourites. but this. this is officially the best version of the song i've ever heard.

oh and yays! i have officially more songs added to my collection! kudos to xm for that. i am getting so bored just listening to all the limited songs i have. I WELCOME NEW ADDITIONS! i mean, i WANT them. hahah. its lack of originality is turning it into a lullaby already.

kay im getting real irritated here. i dont know why. maybe its the weather. maybe its my splitting headache. RAWRR. i really need something to do when i come online. shows, games, anything! i dont have a single manga, a single show, nor a single game to play! then im left with nothing to do, so i end up sleeping. hahaha. HORRIBLE. okay i'll go dl maple again. so easy to play. just go f4f4f4 everyone gives you money. hahaha. wth.

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Template by Nurah. Tuto from WA. Icons from Pixel. Music by Yonghwa. Colour from HTML
