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Monday, May 04, 2009 | 0 Superman(s)
this week is so filled of birthdays! ive got so many people on same days tooo! hahah. so first up for today,

happy birthday yongwen!
happy birthday huishan!

ive got nothing to do, so im here. just finished preparing for EBSK things, except the makeup. i seriously dont think i can find it anywhere. hahaha. they are literally in bits and pieces scattered everywhere in my room. except for the eyeliner, that is. i bought that recently. like, 4mths ago. HAHA. its just sooooo ma fan. i even resorted to wearing mama's BATA shoes. hahaha. price tag still thr lo. wth. 29.90. hahaha. i hope she approves this. its damn ugly.

long day tmr! 9-5. hahah. coooool. my cra is still un-done! aa is 3quarters done. gave up on that last quarter alr. hahah. so yeap! thats about all.

oh and 7mths alr! i hope we last long long for eber and eber eber. lurbbexx lurbbexx. HAHAHA. :D

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