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Tuesday, April 21, 2009 | 0 Superman(s)

i think i promised someone to blog about this. cant remember who though. maybe joanne. hahah. but anyways, yes. there it is! HAHA. he looks like he's posing laa. like, TOTALLY. it was taken during chalet while prawning. so yeap.

today was to sentosaaa! those who wants photos, its already up on my facebook. hahah. if you still want the photos then tell me again. OKAY. so yes, i was the one who suggested to meet at 11am, and i was the one who was late. HAHAH. for some reason, i woke up when my alarm rang at approx 9am, it was raining! and maybe a part of me wanted to continue sleeping, i off-ed my alarm since i presumed the outing would be cancelled due to the rain. LOL. in the end i woke up at 10am with the sun shining right down on my butt. hahha. yeap. so they went ahead to eat while waiting for me.

i reached at around 1130-1145 and we set off for sentosa! we took the skytrain. like the one in airports. hahah. yeap. then changed to tram and headed for siloso beeeeach! :D its been AGESS since i was last there. seriously! like maybe 2-3years or something. i havent been there since i came to poly! hahah. so maybe i missed the beach a teeeeny bit. kay anyways ya so we settled down our bags and everything, took group photos, and off we were to playy! first we played this freeze game. i duno what its called. haha but who cares. SOOO, with only 3 girls there, we were at an obvious disadvantage! and obviously, we got singled out to be the catchers. HAHA. 3 girls against 7 guys. WHO DO YOU THINK WON?! hahaha. horrible laa! we ran till our lungs gave way and we didnt even catch any. okay maybe we did, but they still got saved in the end. hahaha.

that round was declared a failure and we repicked! hahah. this time alex, jon and guozhi were the catchers. HAHAHA. our turn to die. all of us got killed in the end. hahaha. obvious ending. so by the end of the game, all of us were totally exhausted! so we spent quite some time sitting there just slacking and tanning. speaking about tanning, I WAS SO GLAD THAT THE SUN WASNT OUT. ahhaha. but the heat's still there thou. there was just clouds. lotsa them. (: i love that kinda weather. not too bright and shiny, but the heat's still there. plus! the sea breeze was so cooling! and the sea water felt so cold. SO IT WAS JUST NICEE! hahha. i think we picked the right day to go! hahaha. (:

after that was monkey! then some game that starts like dog and bone but plays like rugby and has rules like captains ball. lolol. im serious! but yea. it was FUNNNN. heeeeeeees. around 3plus i got hungry! so a few of us went to 7-11 to get some titbits and stuffs. went back to eat, slack, and tan more. soon we went off to bathe at 4plus, after junhong showed us his buffalo wings. HAHAH.

headed back to vivocity and it was around 5.45 by then. bought tickets for Knowing and it was Subway for dinner! then we went to queue for Ben&Jerry's free icecream. HAHA. the queue was daaaaaaaamn long i tell you. we had to queue outside around the whole circle thing at first. then when we thought it was finally our turn to go in, THERE WAS ANOTHER QUEUE INSIDE! hahah. but a surprisingly short waiting time thou. i think we only queued for like 15-20mins. hahah. also nothing to do, and we had time to waste, so go queue lo.

after icecream, it was time for the movie! notbadnotbad. i think the movie is nice, at the beginning. hahaha. the back part started to become lame already. the aliens stole the son. HAHAH. daaaaaaaaamn funny! but yea la. the show's still not bad. lolol.

yes! so that sums up my day. haha. tmr i gotta start finishing up my homework already! if not im not going to enjoy my free thursday. lolol. yes! MUAHAHA. okay ignore. its late. BYEEE.

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