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Monday, April 20, 2009 | 0 Superman(s)

so today was the first day back at school! a pleasant one, actually. so we started out with a 9am lecture on a bright sunny monday morning! how nice. hahah. then after that all the funny funny extra lecture briefings started to pop out already. hahah. after the CRA lecture, we busied ourselves by trying to settle our electives and stuffs. first was upstairs to mr csh, then down to the cp's room to confirm it. and at the end of everything, i am settled with having advanced accounting & business calculus for my electives! i really really need to thank baby for this. as in, seriously. i think i might just die without him. if im denied bc, i might as well go straight for SIM alr. hahah. thats how bad it was. soooo, yeaap. and thanks to guozhi too. HAHA. he gave me a spare timetable! which made things much easier for me :D i think our CM quite poor thing. she was even complaining that we gave her so much trouble. hahaha. SORRY! and thanks :D

so yeap. spent about an hour just settling everything, then headed to biz park for lunch. our elective briefing was up next. so now, im undecided whether to choose audit practice or practice of taxation. se-ri-ous-ly. RAWRR. lets just take both. HAHAH. eh i think quite cool leh. hahaha. :D:D:D

after an hour of briefing was Corporate Reporting Audit lecture. it was B-O-R-I-N-G! somehow our lecturer had this reeeeally mundane tone in her voice. hahaha. it makes you drowssssy! especially the subject itself isnt that attention capturing. okay so when we survived 2hours of that, it was another 2 hours of Etiquette lesson. HAHA. horrible. and i thought only the freshies had them! horrible thing. hahaha. we have to wear formal for lessons laa! how bad can that be. real bad. lolol.

then, yays! 9am-6pm worth of lessons finally finished! what a way to start our first day back. after that was back to the CM's to reaffirm some matters. with that, guozhi got his bc! great! if not i would have felt so bad. but im sorry. i really needed the bc. anyways, we both got it! haha. so yes! all's well, ends well. (: and on a happier note, I DO NOT HAVE ANY LESSONS FROM TUESDAY-THURSDAY THIS WEEK! weeeeeeeeeeeooooooooooweeeeeeeeeet! hahah. and since majority of us dont have lessons tmr, we are going to go to sentosa! coooooooool.

kay. i feel the urge to sleep now. its been a tiring first day back. i still need to drag myself to bathe! sighhhhhhhh.

i dont see the need to censor anything here you see. its a place for me to rant, to say what i feel, to say what i want to say. if its just so unbearably insincere or whatever to you, jolly well leave. and i dont exactly see a justification for your accusations cos you have never ever been the centre of my topic, nor will you be. so if it just so irritates you, close the window and leave me be. that, i will be grateful to you.

i need to talk less, talk less. speak when needed. thats what i will do.

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