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Friday, April 17, 2009 | 0 Superman(s)
im back from chalet! totally exhaustedd.
was just organising the photos, and to my utter disappointment,
RAWRR. okay nevermind.

so on tuesday afternoon, i went to boyfriend's house to meet him.
then his papa sent us to Coasta Sands Resort Pasir Ris!
joanne, edric, jonathan and josiah were already there.
we sat there watching teevee and slacked.
tried to play the mini mahjong set i brought, but we gave up after 1 game.
it was too small. hahhaa. literally!
you had to use only fingers to wash the tiles okay. and it already seemed quite bigg.
haha yup! so we headed off to downtown for dinner at around 6plus.
ate at the foodcourt, then to eHub for a movie!
watched Fast and Furious 4. quite cool. hahah.
i want the cars! too! :D

junhong joined us for the movie and followed us back to the chalet.
cos the guys finally bought cards, we had something to play!
played and came up with alot of dares.
we even earned a free chicken wing! hahaha.
so a little later we headed over to go PRAWNING!
eric and hs joined us halfway too! but too bad junhong had to go ):

so we headed to the prawning area in the middle of some park opp Aranda
some of us kept smelling that butter corn smell! hahah.
i still think its the worms thou. HAHA. serious!
okay anyways, so yah. we prawned.
and they were HUGE.
pictures shall do the talking. (:

but the people there were really nice though!
this guy was helping me and joanne with the salt water prawns
cos we were getting so many bites! but not one catch. LOL =x
so after still failing to help me get one,
they offered to give us a little more prawns! YAYYYYYYYYS :D:D:D
we caught around 16 in total, after 4hours. quite sad.
hahaha. average like only 4 in an hour lo. horrible.
but anyways, they topped our figures and increased it to 22! haha.
such nice people! (:

so yes we barbequed the LIVE prawns. horrible sight.
seeing them still jumping around. haha. but i didnt feel like eating them though.
cos if you think, we used live WORMS to catch the prawns.
so if the prawns get caught while eating the live WORMS,
those worms should be somewhere inside still right?!
haha but okay whatever i still ate in the end. wth lol.
okay la. not bad. very sweet, although we didnt add any seasoning of all sorts.
nice place, we should go back someday, when we have enough money.
hahaha. expensive hobby to keep i tell you.

headed back at around 4am then played the drinking game, AGAIN.
i think chalet's never far from alcohol huh. hahah.
its becoming like a MUST in chalet already. ohwell. lol.
luckily i didnt drink much, but nevertheless, im not a good drinker.
hahaha. so yup. headed to bathe after it ended, then slept.
the sky was already bright when we slept! around 7 or 8am. funny.
hs and eric went back since they didnt bring any change of clothes.
slept, woke up, played cards. then ken came! haha.
it was around 2 already.
the reason why we dragged till so late was also partly the weather.
RAINING. whole morning sia. cant even go out to get breakfast. lol.

so yup. when ken came, we headed out since it stopped raining.
went to ribencun! for sushi brunch.
a few ate alacarte, a few ate buffet. so yup. thats about all.
went back, the guys went to swim, joanne went home.
i stayed in the chalet! was actually planning to go take some photos of them!
butbutbut! I WAS TOO LAZY. hhahah. i fell asleeeeeeeep! heeeeeeees :D

so when i woke up, the guys finished bathing, joanne came back,
everyone was slacking at the swimming pool.
we stayed there, chatted, ate icecream! (:
then we went back to slack awhile and headed out for dinner at eHub.

forgot the name of the place, but it was some random restaurant. so yah.
ate, chatted, then went back.'
the second night was more fun! we played Murderer, Polar Bear and OUCH.
HAHAHA. daaaaamn funny! you see all the great actors surfacing. hahaha.
ouch was a killer for ken. HAHAH. so poor thing! horrible eric is to blame. lolol.

then it was back to drinking game to finish the remaning vodka left from last night
and the 2 bottles of white wine. the white wine's niceee. :D sweet sweet one.
so yah. played, then after awhile everyone drifted off to sleep.

morning came, and we checked out at 10plus,
just in time for macs breakfast! haha.
after that was to ken's house for mahjongggggggg.
a few shows on nickelodian and we were off to dinner.

only me joanne wk and edric went bedok inter for dinner.
ate, and chatted for really long. until 9plus sia. hahaha.
we talked about literally everything under the sun. i guess.
i cant even rmb what we talked about. lololol.

so yes! here i am. photos are on my comp already.
but im going to update this post with photos only tmr.
HAHA. im lazy laa. its late, im tired. GOODNIGHT! (:

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