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Friday, August 08, 2008 | 0 Superman(s)
this song super reminds me of daniel. haha. so long since i last talked to him!! he always lets me listen to lishengjie's song whenever im with him. SIGH. he hasnt been talking to me alot since he got his new gf. haha. idiot. kinda miss my cousin daniel. abit wierd thou. HAHA. BUT! nvm. dont jealous. i miss alicia more xD

i realise ive been going out with very random groups of people these days! haha. madness.

lets see..
monday: went to tm after cas test with jo, panda, yongwen, pohsiang, junhao, edric, weekwang, kelvin, scott, minghua. hmm. i cant remember anymore. should still have one more of yongwen's friend, whose name i duno xD

tuesday: ig meeting after class all the way.

wednesday: cycling at ecp with yongwen, ann, pohsiang, junhao. after that we joined calendar, ken and pokchiang for Money No Enough 2. hope i spelt everyone's name correctly! (:

thursday: movie at cs with jo, junhao, eric, bob, edric, weekwang, kelvin. watched Love Guru. i practically threw my 8bucks down the drain la. haha. didnt understand like 3/4 of the show. OHWELL. lol.

friday: going out later to marina. jo woke me up at 9 just for that. SIGH. haha. but i predict its going to be one whole random bunch again. cos since jo asked, so i think its going to be our 01 clique. now im asking junhao they all along, which is our 03 clique. how cool.

haha. not bad eh. i think we quite happenning xD the other day tanpohsiang was talking about a chalet during the hols. HAHA. talk talk talk. in the end we were like going. FORGET IT LAH! so troublesome. lets just go pohsiang house. the guys can dota we can play mahjong. HAHA. damn cool. im loving my class xD

oh and, below are the pathetic photos of ecp cycling that day (:

hahaha. yeap. thats about all. the rest of the photos also cmi la. lol. we forgot to take a group photo! sigh. next time must remember. today! i'l bring my camera again. lets take some good photos xD


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