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Thursday, July 31, 2008 | 0 Superman(s)
okay. so im more calmed down already.

went out just now. just kinda walked around aimlessly. couldnt stay at home. i tend to think alot. crap usually. walked around hub. must've walked that small mall about 8 times in total. the sales people were staring at me by the time i went past for the 5th time.

was debating on what to eat for dinner. thought of eating korean, but it seemed like alot. wanted kfc, but it was so far away. maybe macs, but i ate that not long ago. boring. its forever outside food all 3 meals a day for duno how many months already. maybe thats why i dont feel like eating sometimes. its just, all so boring. hmmm. im forever coming home with walls welcoming me. not that its some bad reasons or what but, yea. feels kinda lonely at times. HAHA. ohwell. whatever. settled in the end for cup noodles at home.

the cup noodles i cooked is the type needing the stove to boil water that kind. my first time kay! normally mama or korkor would cook it for me. either that or i'd eat the one which only requires me to pour the hot water in. hmm. so yeap. i went into the kitchen, took out the small pot. the one long handle kind. filled it with water, then wanted to bring it from the basin to the stove. BUT! the moment i lifted it up, the handle broke! omg. the handle was already loose to begin with. think too long nv use already. okay nvm. so i went to take the bigger round pot, with 2 small handles at the side that kind. filled it with water, put it to boil. then, OMG. i found some unknown white substance inside. lolol. then i went thinking, boiling water kills all germs, since its at 100C. then i went on to put my maggie mee in. while cooking, i kept thinking. the more i thought, the more wrong it felt. cos, even thou boiling water kills all germs, the germs are still in the water! assuming its fungi, that is. like, wth. lol. but since its my first attempt, i decided to just ignore that. lol.

so when everything was cooked, i had to drain the water out, to take my noodles. i used the thing for sifting flour to drain. and being the clumsy me, i spilt the HOT BOILING water on the floor, nearly missing my own feet, and i scalded my own fingers! cos the pot nearly dropped, spilling all the hot water. so in an attempt to prevent the whole pot coming crashing down on my precious feet, i caught the just-off-from-the-stove-and-containing-hot-water pot WITH MY BARE HANDS. omgomgomg. my hand hurt like crazy ah! practically hopping and crying around the whole kitchen. lol. but okay la. went to put zambuk (or whatever u call it). then i realised its for bruises. LOL. so went to wash it off, then put plaster. not bad eh! i think i have cute fingers now. HAHA. eh not bad lo. snoopy one leh. teeeheee. i shall change it to donald duck or something tmr. see what i have. i think bugs bunny cuter. the baby one (:

kay enough. tmr, macs breakfast, then leadership studying. i need to score. GOGOGO!


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