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Saturday, August 09, 2008 | 0 Superman(s)
terribly horrible headache.

i typed one whole paragraph, then decided it was too whiny. HAHA. forgive me. i realise i procrastinate abit too much these days. SIGH. whats happening to me?!

ok to cut short, ive got a stupid headache, which caused me to sleep at 9, wake up at 11, and not be able to go back to sleep again. DAMN. and i when i went into the kitchen to get panadol, i hit my head against the stupid open cupboard door on top, which i opened to get the pills. woah super dumb. lol. not fully awake i guess. duno la. in the end also didnt get to take my panadols. wasted 5 pills during my unsuccessful attempts at crushing them. HMM. eh no eh. i tried to swallow one, but regretted horribly after that. im practically inducing self vomit. lol. madness. whatever.

so ta-da! here i am now, at this unearthly hour. realise ive been sleeping earlier these few days, which might be a good thing thou (: really tired, and God knows why. sian.

and i thought everything was settled. seems not.

ive got quite alot else to say thou. but im tired already. of everything. i dont know. dont want to think already. it just makes whatever is already very complicated even more complicated. seriously! SIGH. ):

oh anyways, i think i need new songs. my itunes keep replaying all the same old songs. i need to watch mtv soon. lol.


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