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Wednesday, August 06, 2008 | 0 Superman(s)
tuesday was alright. i think i forgot to set my alarm. woke up at 730, stared at the clock for 2minutes, reality struck, and i rushed to prepare. haha. atually thinking again, i think my alarm rang. i offed it i think. HMM. die. i think i need to change my position of my hp alr. im always off-ing my alarm without realising it. haha. maybe i'l put it on the other end of my bed. xD

reached school at around 20mins late. pca was okay. damn. i need to really go revise already. having missed tutorial this week, i was super lost. hohoho. im still debating whether to crash 02's pca lesson this friday at 9 with jh. then after that we can go for bfin lect at 11, and have our law at 3. HMM. but! its 9! omg. freaking early. lol. shall see how.

after pca was law. revision lecture. the best one ive ever been to up till now, and i believe its going the be the best ever. HAHA. awesome! :D :D :D for once, i love the law lecturer. hahaha. went to eat prata after lecture. and as usual, bridge. lol. the prata took super long! HMM. okay. no comments. haha. cma tut was after lunch.

went for ig meeting at 5 after cma. WOAH. im daaaaamn lucky. haha. we went up lvl5 to drop our bags in the room, then xm&me went down to cheers to grab some stuffs to munch on for the looooooooong meeting. settled for cup noodles. put my wallet and hp at the side, then fiddled with my cup noodles, filling hot water and everything. when we finished, i took the cup noodles with 2 hands, and WALKED OFF. hahahaha. madness. we went back upstairs, went into the room, then i turned to xm. i said, you know what? i think i left my wallet and hp downstairs. she asked where. i said cheers. LOL. after saying that, reality struck and i ran back downstairs. hahaha. dont know why but my brain's always a little slower in processing shocking stuffs like these. the alarm clock thing in the morning also. lol. so yeap. ran down, rushed to cheers, then this guy was waiting for me outside cheers. he returned me my hp and wallet!! omg. i swear i love him. he's soooo nice! haha. :D :D :D but xm that idiot. i went back up, the first thing she asked was my wallet got get back anot. she asked, the guy cute anot. lolol. stupid girl. but anyways, quite cute la. HAHA. crazy.

meeting proceeded on as usual. but! mygawd. i think im being too unglam these few days already! first was the arcade one, then now this. hahaha. we were deciding on the length of hose to buy for the wet games. so i said 15m was ALOT. me&my big mouth. hahaha. i claimed 1m can take 3 tables. then as proof, i went to lie down on the table to use my height to measure. LOL. super dumb i find. omg. what's with me?! haha. and that gave a chance for nsw to take photos again. -.- how great. haha.

meeting ended at around 8plus, then went home. ENDOFSTORY. (:

cycling later. dont think im going. its so dark here! think its going to rain already. which means, it might rain there later. duno la. shall see how. lol. xD

[11.06 am]

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