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Saturday, May 17, 2008 | 0 Superman(s)
OKAY. ytd was CCN. haha. all went well. we sold ballooooons! (: (: so cute can!

we actually decided on meeting at 1130 that morning, since our cp cancelled all our other classes. but it was changed to 10am. hahaha. our cp was like saying she cancelled all our classes is to set up the stall earlier, not to sleep more. HAHAHA. she's one darn cute person i tell you.

and so, we sold helium balloons. funfun! its like, rarely i get to walk around carrying that many balloons!! wah damn nice :D a once in a lifetime experience. hahah. i really wonder thou, if i carry enough helium balloons, will i fly? hahah. ok i think i'd have to lose a few more pounds first. joanne has a high possibility of succeeding thou. LOL.

right. we ran outta strings in the process, had some problems, but we ended with a 200plus profit. woohoo! nicee. quite tiring la. and not to mention having to recieve sacarsm from tpsu. haha. whenever we went past them they'd shout ORIGINAL CCN BALLOONS. awkward. hahah. but nvm la. i think our sales won them. i see our balloons everywhere more than theirs. :D

we ran outta helium at around 2plus. ms suriya said we could go off cos she'l settle the rest of the balloons. so we went for lunch, then headed home. sw they all planned to watch a movie actually. but due to miscommunication, i went off first, and they didnt watch the movie as a result. haha. im sorry!! lets watch it next time kay. cfm have chance one (:

i saw you,
and your rose.
but it wasnt for me.
how sad!
ohwell (:

so long since i last posted. so long summor! im proud of myself. :D oh and, did i mention? midsem test is like, TWO WEEKS away. how cool :D im still missing my tutorials. sigh. i need my miracle.


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