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Tuesday, May 06, 2008 | 0 Superman(s)

lets see, cma tutorial bored me to death. i was practically nodding my head alr. lol. and i havent been doing my tutorials for 2 consecutive weeks alr. omg. cannot cannot. i must start doing already. 4 more weeks to midsem test. cool.

KAY SO, as i was saying, we dismissed from class at 4.20, when it was supposed to be 5. hahaha. not bad la. quite fast. then i went back amk. felt bored. felt empty. didnt want to go home, so i shopped around amkhub. bought 2 bottoms, felt satisfied, went home. LOLOL. there are times when i do that la. hahaha. quite rarely thou. there was another bottom that i wanted to buy. BUT! its 40bucks. and my 2 bottoms combined is already 60. sian. so i didnt get the other one. so sad. i liked it leh! ): but nvm la. i'l get it when i get my pay. (:

righttt. i need to settle all my tutorials already. TMR NO SCHOOL YOU KNOW! jealous anot? :D :D :D oh anw, i met amira this morning. she said eugenegoh was in tp as year1. omgg. he was one of the highest scorer in our class lo. he went jc then came back here. haiyooo. so wasted. lol. one more year only lo. tsktsk. nvm la. tp'l be more fun with him. hahaha. hope i'l get to see him soon! (: (:


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