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Tuesday, April 29, 2008 | 0 Superman(s)
yesterday i was talking to weekwang. he told me about his friend. suddenly felt. life is so precious. really. you never know if i'd just drop dead the next second of heart failure or whatsoever. told mama about it this morning. even she got a shock. so young. such a pity. thats why, never have regrets. morale of the story, QUIT SCHOOL. play. (: NO LAH! haha. just kidding. but im sure, wherever she is now, she's happy, cos there are so many concerned and sad over her. i mean, really. lol. somehow when i read that sentence myself it seems so..not me. hahaa. but aiya. dont know what to say anymore.

finished ezuojuewen yesterday. mygawd. theres going to be a third season. haiyo. it means im kept waiting. tsktsk.

OHOH. I SAW SHAWN TODAY! hahaha. he's back!!! :D :D :D only for a week thou. mm. met him and alicia at bus sch entrance today after LaspBus lecture. they brought me to eat rotiprata. hahaha. i swear i never knew there was a roti prata shop there. then we went to find the supposed candy shop alicia mentioned only to realise it closed down. haha. proceeded to bigbookshop for some aircon. ended up looking at fishes with them while buying bubbletea. LOLOL. hilarious. went back to school aft that to help out at the investment club stall. WE SOLD AN MP3 YOU KNOW! hahahah. not that i want to say anything la. but just, i dont think its worth it to buy an mp3 from us. fake ipod. cheapo stuffs. like, so..unsafe! hahaha. ohwell (: i still think selling foodstuffs would be better. lol.

talking about that, today's LaspBus lect was damn entertaining. hahaha. really! hilarious. TOTALLY. the lecturer was telling us that an offer can be made by 3 ways. orally, written down and by conduct. so he was getting us to state examples of making an offer by conduct. lecture hall was silent. then somehow one group at the side burst out laughing and shouted prostitute. HAHAHAHA. damn funny! everyone laughed like mad. totally hilarious! and after that, he said he would propose an offer, by selling his Seiko watch. then jon was practically saying 'you want sell your seh kor (grow mouldy) watch' HAHAHAHA. super entertaining la! i swear if there was enough space i'd have rolled all the way in front already. lololol. i still love my class people after all :D :D :D and i love law. i learnt that love is unconditional and silence does not necessarily mean consent. HAHAHA (:

and i realised i cant resist temptations really well you know! i was walking home, and i passed this stall outside amkhub. they were selling cheese sausage. LOL. and you know how i love these. so i bought one. then i walked on, waiting for the traffic light. and i saw opposite the traffic light, there was pasar malam. by the time i crossed the traffic light, i gobbled up the rest of my sausage then i went to buy taiwan sausage to eat. HAHAHA. damn pig right. but i really v long nv eat these 2 alr la! lol. couldnt resist. then i walked on, and passed by the mama shop. was thirsty, so i bought a drink. reached home, felt hot, ate icecream. HAHAHAHA. plus the fact that the walk from amkhub and my house is around 5mins plus. its..omggggggggggggggg. hahaha. damn pig sia! ): im supposedly to be on a DIET. sighs. and i was also supposed to WALK up. took the lift instead. zzz. OKAY. im dieting already. lets skip dinner (:

thursday's hoishek's birthday. we're celebrating it on wednesday night all the way till morning. BUT! we've got to go to hana's house in the morning on thursday!! ): should i go? but they say they're banning me from drinking even if i go. hahahaha. please lo! i said this for one whole year le leh! i wasnt drunk! i was just a little high. lol. stupid them. they were even betting if i would go, cos i pangseh them alot of times alr. lol. aiyooo. im in a dilemma. its a birthday celebration, we split class so i wont get to go out with them that often, i havent went out with them in a longggg longggg time, i donwant pangseh them again. BUT! the issue is ig. hais. duno la. see how. maybe i go late or sth. its baking anyways. im just doing jelly, which can be done like, damn fast. hahaha. we'l see.

KAYKAY. ive gotta go make my jelly soon, then bring tomorrow. :D tata!


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