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Saturday, April 26, 2008 | 0 Superman(s)

i went online shopping. and i found this.

its superrr cheap i tell you. im tempted to buy. but i already have 3people and counting on my list telling me not to buy it. hahaa. ohwell. we shall see.

i need to get started on homework soon. all the tutorials are waiting for me. and CAS online lecture. my BOE proposal. leadership groupings and everything. omg. i need to get everything done by today. then tmr, i need to make the jelly. bring it to school on monday for them to try. haiyo. 1st week just passed and i duno why im that busy. JIAYOU. i can do it. i just hope i do well this sem. new class new group. lets all jiayou tgt (:

i heard the online lecture's boring. but i need my participation marks. hates CAS. lol. but i like AccPac (: sounds so pro. hahahaha. why do we need theory anyways. it doesnt actually help much in real life doesnt it. sighs. thats life for you.

OHOH! and i made chocolates you know!! hahaha. but then ho. i made the chocolate. poured it into the mould i used for my jelly. then. an hour later. mama came to tell me my chocs are stuck in the mould. T.T cant take out at all. damn sad can! aiyoooo. and when i finally get them out, they melt immediately once outside the fridge. zzz. so its currently still in the fridge, awaiting the right time to be eaten. lol. but the shape taste and eth is okay thou. perhaps i just need some more steps to perfection. i'l tell you what the steps are when i figured them out. HAHA :D :D :D

kay. online lecture. zzzzzzzzzzzz. i feel like sleeping already. the weather's not making things any better.


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