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Sunday, April 27, 2008 | 0 Superman(s)
yesyes i know. i was supposed to finish all my tutorials yesterday. turns out i didnt do any. teeheehee.

yesterday's bridge was just toooo funny. hahah. i wanna play with devit adiddas and weekwang again! practically ROLLING on the floor laughing can! 3am in the morning summor. hahaha. wk&me were cheating like nobody's business. lol. but adiddas very fun also. she kept bidding 6 or 7 just to outbid us for FUN. lolol. hilarious. long time since i laughed that madly. i like! :D :D :D

just finished PCA tut. CMA, the Law one, CAS and leadership to go. think i'd have to make my jelly tmr then. ohhhhhhwells.

the weather is hoooooooooooooot. i cant concentrate on anything now. i need a breakk. i feel sickk.


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